CDNs - Talk to me.

microphone head

New member
Oct 21, 2012
I had a site go offline for most of today and its CDN is Cloudflare. I found out this morning, and it's only just now being served up by them instead of my host (it's 23:43 here in Uk, and it was 8am when I found it was down).

So my question is - which provider do you recommend as a CDN and why? I've not shopped around yet, but certainly will now. That's a fucking day's revenue from that site missed and I'm not a happy about it.

Thanks in advance chaps!

I've been using cloudflare for ages and not noticed any downtime – are they supposed to be shite then?
MH, were you using a paid or free version?

I've just about had enough of Cloudflare now after causing some javascript errors, and not running very well in conjunction with the three main WP caching plugins.

Not saying it doesn't work for other people but it has caused me a bit of a headache on a Friday evening/Saturday!
I've used cloudflare before, but I'm shopping around for alternatives.

Looking at the MaxCDN site, this made me laugh;

I only use cloudflare as a cdn just to reduce requests/bandwidth to my servers, not proxy for content.

If your site was down for 8 hours would it not be better to spend your time finding a better host? :)
CloudFlare usually slows sites down, not speed them up. Same for the site going offline.
If you're runniong into downtime, you may need a better host.
Yeah I have noticed CF actually slows down the site load speeds compared to users close to your hosting datacenter.

Significant loading speeds when you start paying though!
Whats wrong with cloudflare? Genuine question as I use them currently.
When I tried using them they wouldn't serve my pages half the time, it might have been their ddos protection. It was just very unreliable. The way you had to set it up was different to other CDNs (you have to actually point your nameservers to cloudflare). I was using the free plan, I don't know if their paid plan is any different. The fact that it was free also didn't make sense to me - I pay close to $2k a month for my current setup with Maxcdn.
cloudflare sucks at times. Their ddos security may be, but they do serve captcha request instead of pages very often.