cctld Query


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Hi everyone!

I posted this question in one of the hosting and domains threads but that was a old one so probably not many look at it.

I've a .sx .pe and .am domain of a well know dating site. Was thinking to monetize it by becoming an affiliate of the main .com site and put up the exact same landing page as the .com. How can I make that work better? Drive more traffic, SEO it or try and move it up the search engine rankings somehow?

Thanks for any suggestions or advise :)

before u do anything, make sure the dating site allow you to use their name.

also, most programs will not allow you to compete with them for their main keywords.

you need to be a bit more creative than that. maybe start a blog on how to pick up girls or night club/bar reviews site.

find your target audience and create sites around their interests.
Yeah, I think you're gonna end up with a c&d here, I don't know of any businesses that are cool with you squatting on their domains. However, they may be ok with a domain containing the brand without being an EMD of it. This'd only really be worthwhile for PPC though. For SEO, same as the other guy said :) (and get a .com, anything other than .com/.org/.net/ is gonna be a pain to rank, speaking as someone whose first SEO project was on a .biz)