Cast Your Vote: Which Would You Rather...

Which would you rather die?

  • 100 random people

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • 1 cat

    Votes: 29 61.7%

  • Total voters


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
Which would you rather happen... 100 random humans that you would never know die, or 1 cat die?








Shit, I voted before I saw all those pics. REALLY pulling the heart-strings, despite the fact I can't stand adult cats.

Thread should have "1 cat" replaced with "1 kitten" for more honest opinions, since all your pics are all cute little kittens.
Do we have a choice of how the cat dies or is it just a random "I pick the cat" and it is gone kind of a situation?

I'm obviously picking the cat because they suck so much btw.
I voted cat, but only cuz im allergic, if this was another dog topic... i wouldve voted for the people
Tough choice. I'd have to go with the cat, because, as sad as seeing an adorable furball die is, I'd rather see it go than 100 people.

Well... I guess it's dependent on which cat and who the 100 people are. A large percentage of the world are jerks, but a vast majority of those turds are curable. So, a simple random sample of 100 individuals would undoubtably include several jerkwads. Law of large numbers. However, of those jerks, there maybe only one or two, if any that are incurable with modern medical science.

Wait, there is no cure for being a dick?
If it were 100 random child molesters or 100 inmates on death row, I'd choose the cat to live any day. I value an animals and a humans life equally, but I don't think that the life of one animal is worth the lives of a hundred people.