cashflow problem

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New member
Jan 19, 2008
Hey guys.

I've posted here some time ago about being strapped for cash, however I've been finding ways to make money. The only problem is that it's low ROI income... less than 50% most of the time. More around 20% ROI.

The problem I'm facing right now is lack of cashflow, as I can get rather large volume, but ROI is shit.

I've tried raising my CC limits, but they denied, because I already have loads of debt. I'm going to try to get new CC's.

So... where can I get cash? I feel like I'm leaving money on the table, because I have to bid now only on days where I know I'll be most profitable and I can spend upwards of $500 a day, if I keep expanding it can easily be $1000-1500 a day... a huge cashflow problem.

Most networks will be able to put you on weekly wires if you're getting volume. If whoever you're working with now is unwilling to do this there are plenty of others who will.

If other networks don't have your offer tell them you can send x leads a day if they get the offer and put you on weekly payouts.
listen, 50% day over day ROI is great. As a matter of fact, in any other industry you would get trophies and awards and give the after dinner speech at the industry trade awards while the other fat cat captains of industry smoked cigars and clapped politely from time to time.

If you need more cash, set up a corporation and go look for a line of credit. If that doesnt work, find a partner. Go find someone you work with or know and present them with a business plan, go 50-50 on everything and use have them buy in to the business by matching the funds you have outstanding with your lead networks.

Just ideas. If you're making money, really making money, then it shouldn't be difficult to find money.
Like some posters said, weekly wires are the answer. Just condense all of your traffic into one network. I know copeac and market leverage do weeklys at $1k volume a week.
I was in your position 6-8 months ago.

Hopefully your with Amex, open 1-2 more cards. Re-allocate the credit lines to one card. This should triple your credit. Then, get weekly payouts. If the network your with won't give it to you, pull your traffic. Good luck.
NeverBlueAds pays weekly if you generate just $1,000 weekly. Your credit card statement is prepared monthly. Pay the outstanding balance before the statement is prepared with your weekly payments, and you should have enough dough to play around with.
Create your own digital products or buy master resell right digital products you can private label for resell. Use PayPal or other credit card processing so that you can get the payment to your bank account in a matter of a few days. No more waiting on a monthly check/deposit or trying to get a high enough volume for weekly payments.
Plum card ftw. Huge credit limit increases month over month, and the Net 10/2 discount adds up fast.

I just read about it on their site - pretty sick card. Do you really need to make 6 or 7 figures in revenue to get accepted?
If you can pay it off in full every month, you could look into the Amex Gold Card; no pre-set limit and the first year $100 fee is waived for new members.
very simple. Weekly wires and then just pay your card off 1 time a day. Some cards even let you overpay so you have credit. Shouldn't be to hard.
Applying for MORE credit cards when you've already got outstanding debt with one is a great way to raise some red flags that your credit rating is on the verge of being fucked. Seriously. Credit companies all talk to each other.

What micker said is your better option I think. Incorporate.
Start up businesses usually get a better line of credit than individuals because credit companies know you have start up expenses an few to no assets.
You'll also get a higher credit limit because businesses generally do take on more debts.
The downside is that the interest rate is usually higher... but if you've even got a 20% ROI on good volume, you should be able to pay it off quickly enough.
I just read about it on their site - pretty sick card. Do you really need to make 6 or 7 figures in revenue to get accepted?

I got my plum card a month after I got my first AirMiles AMEX. Then again, I also have a 20K loan to my name, so that might have helped, too.
Money chases ideas. There are a lot of "players with money" who are running short on profitable places to put that money. If you know anyone who has money, or knows someone else who does, you could easily put together a spreadsheet showing your current returns and negotiate something with them.

Seriously, a little personability and you can get the gears of your own affiliate empire (note the sarcasm) greased quite adequately. Or you could go one of the routes detailed above.

Either way, determination is the name of the game.
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but this credit issue can quickly become a problem for me when I move back to the US. Last time when I lived there (in 2002), it was pretty much impossible for me to get ANY form of credit or loan - simply because I was a foreign national. It didn't matter that I had good credit history in Norway prior, or that I was making $100k+ a year at Microsoft. Wherever I went, I was always told "sorry, but you have no credit history"

I don't have cashflow problems right now, as my Adwords account is in good standing and I get charged by Google monthly after each spending period from my Norwegian bank account. I want to move on to an Amex card though once I get settled in the US, but I have a feeling it's gonna be all the same shit over again.

Has anyone else here had trouble getting credit cards or loans simply because they had no credit history? If so - what did you do to obtain it? I imagine it is even harder now that the loan market in the US is undergoing really hard times and lenders are tighter than ever.
As others have stated your #1 way to fix the problem ASAP is TELL (not ask) your network that you NEED weekly wires pronto. It sounds like you are doing well over 1k a week so that shouldn't be a problem with most networks. A few I know for a fact will give you weeklys if you are doing over 1k a week are Copeac, NeverBlue, Hydra but I would talk to your current network and AM and tell them you need weeklys NOW or you really don't have a choice and have to move your traffic. It's your business and one of your partners (network) shouldn't hold you back and if they do change partners.

Also if other networks don't have the same offer and you have to switch then ask them if they can get it. Copeac for example has gotten me every offer I asked them to so far.
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