Cash Management


One incredibly angry baby
Jul 11, 2009
If you're business is at the point where cash is flying in different directions - campaigns, employees, equipment, rent etc - how do you keep track of your cash flow?

I came across pulseapp in dr ngo's ridiculously detailed mindmap. Any experiences with it? Any other suggestions/options?

quicken is a godsend. you can tag transactions like you tag wordpress posts. then can sort by tags, etc. and teach it to recognize certain transactions w/ certain businesses to always be under that tag. also auto-syncs with your bank account through the interweb. highly recommended


quicken = personal/business finance
quickbooks = invoices, assets, inventory, etc.

depends on what you're looking for
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I came across a tool while reading a home business magazine. Their URL is (not affiliate URL). I just find that it's useful as everything is in a box.
I use cashflow manager (.com?)

I think they are an Australian-only based product though. It's incredibly simple (and they've recently changed their website to a clickbank style sales page, lol fail lol)

However, it's awesome to use, and does everything in terms of book keeping and organisation. So if we get audited, we just click a few buttons and it provides us with all the necessary paperwork.
I use quickbooks online and it auto-downloads all my credit card and banking charges and tries to categorize them for me. It works well once you have everything setup, but it only downloads transactions from 90 days back.
I use Quickbooks online as well - the only thing I have issues with is having to manually add all of the Paypal transactions because it doesn't interface with Paypal automatically like it does bank accounts.
pulseapp is a great simple it. also use quickbooks too but for other stuff. my version of quickbooks doesnt give me the option to show statements of cashflow.