Case Study Heaven

Even better would be to just have a directory of just pointers, that point to the proper case studies / stickies in the proper they're still in their proper section, but then you have a whole directory that just links to them.
Wouldn't be too hard to find all the case studies around here. We should also consider a forum for "Newbie Journals" (as a sub-forum of the newbie section), since there seems to be a huge influx of them lately, some of which are pretty good info for people starting out.
since there seems to be a huge influx of them lately,
yeah - i have only been spending time here the last couple of months, but it seems like every other day someone is posting case studies and the like.

i think it's a great way to start, since at the very least you are forced to organize your thoughts and articulate an approach. Even if noone gives you any good critiques (also unlikely - people are pretty helpful here) you will learn a lot simply through documenting what you did.