Cartoons of Muhammad to be Published


New member
Dec 28, 2011
French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed - ABC News

I wonder... Do you think they will eventually get tired of rioting if such things are published on a regular basis?

Desensitization therapy?

Systematic desensitization is a type of behavioral therapy used in the field of psychology to help effectively overcome phobias and other anxiety disorders. More specifically, it is a type of Pavlovian therapy / classical conditioning therapy developed by a South African psychiatrist, Joseph Wolpe.

I wish they'd just grow up, but if they end up in a rage and kill each other, that'd be fine too. These are people who throw rocks at Apache gunships, so I don't feel a threat to my personal safety due to them.
It is very bed for all human.this thread are personal but discus not hreat myi do not feel a thre at to my personal safety due to them.
In 2011 the offices of “Charlie Hedbo” were bombed after it published an Arab Spring edition with the Prophet Muhammad as “guest editor” on the cover.
Some frogs just never learn. :thumbsup:

But wouldn't it be awesome if EVERY magazine and newspaper decided to print a new cartoon each week making fun of their prophet? They couldn't possibly get organized enough to stop more than one or two sources and then they'd be like the OP said; desensitized.
Am I am the only Muslim here who likes to make fun of prophet?
Well, Um, excepting for some spammers from BST that usually are scared shitless to post here in STS, I would believe that you're the ONLY muslim in here.

This ought to be entertaining; How exactly can you call yourself a muslims and disrespect the prophet like that? If you disliked your religion, wouldn't you just call yourself an atheist or something?
Hypocrisy Touching The Sky

Hypocrisy Touching The Sky; When Will We Wake Up! Kate Middleton Photos are banned but Prophet's blasphemy is allowed. ,Why? Doesn't that come under Freedom of Expression? Hypocrites

Observe the chronology of events of the last 5 days:

A week before 9/11: film in Arabic version aired on Egyptian television.

9/11: US ambassador plus 3 killed in Libyan embassy

9/12: Obama and Hillary state: this senseless act of violence… there is no justification for this… Violence like this is no way to honor religion or faith.”

9/13: White House maintained that free speech rights of America allow such films to air and that US does not have power to control the internet.

9/13: French mag. Closer’ publishes Princess Kate’s topless pics.

9/14: Britain’s royal family began legal action against a French magazine on Friday for a “grotesque breach of privacy… in a totally unjustifiable manner”; “Their royal Highness have been hugely saddened; “Their royal Highness had every expectation of privacy in the remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such photographs, let alone publish them.”

9/14: David Cameron’s official spokesman said the government’s position is that the royals are “entitled to their privacy,”

9/15: Canadian Hindu Association; we will screen anti-Islam film to make a point about tolerance.

9/15: all sites anticipated to publish Kate’s photos jammed, black-out or ‘temporarily unavailable’

9/15: photographer jailed and editor of mag. apologies on-air

9/15: TV shows a man with his head wrapped in a towel, coming out of house in police custody as Sam Bacile; police say ‘we are not arresting him, only taking him in for questioning’.
Hypocrisy Touching The Sky; When Will We Wake Up! Kate Middleton Photos are banned but Prophet's blasphemy is allowed. ,Why? Doesn't that come under Freedom of Expression? Hypocrites

Hypocrites? No, we just don't respect that area of the world. And why should we? Quit stoning people to death for adultery, burying people alive, hanging people because they're gay, and burning Western flags while chanting "Death to America / Israel!", and maybe the Western world would decide you're worthy of some respect. It's 2012, not 600 AD.

Besides, who gives a shit what these people think. Don't worry, not talking all 1.5 billion Muslims, but just the few hundred idiots that are causing problems. These are the brilliant folk that brought us mastermind terrorist plots like shoving plastic explosives in your crotch, as if that's going to take down Western society, or something. So hopefully Darwin was right, and they'll die out in the future.

And I'm supposed to believe these people orchestrated the largest terrorist attack in US history, infiltrated the world's most heavily defended airspace, and crashed a plane into the nerve center of the largest military ever known to man. Not fucken likely.
Do you think America will ever get tired of being a supercop, mother fucking cunt, imperialistic nation? I wish it'd just grow up. And maybe the sand people are rioting over a few photos, but you retards have been killing millions of people around the globe. Oh wait, that's in the name of "peace and democracy" right? LOL!

The fucking nerve....My, how do you idiots even manage to walk with such cognitive dissonance?
Desensitization therapy?

^^This, this need to happens a lot and sooner or later the masses will just dont care anymore and will not be used as pawn by those that has shady intention.

Even the reaction I see (apart from the embassy bombing) is pretty mild compare to the first time when the cartoon was published.
Hypocrisy Touching The Sky; When Will We Wake Up! Kate Middleton Photos are banned but Prophet's blasphemy is allowed. ,Why? Doesn't that come under Freedom of Expression? Hypocrites

You sir, are a certified fucking retard.

Sneaking on to someones private residence and taking a picture of their private parts has nothing to do with freedom of expression.

Wow, why am I even explaining this to a mentally challenged 12 year old??

In the west, we protect freedom of speech an expression so that we can, as free citizens, speak out against and raise objections or doubts about anything we well please.

We can speak out against the church, or the president, and not worry about being thrown in jail or tortured.

Making it illegal to speak out against the prophet (pb&j) is a slippery slope and a step back that non of us want to take.

The cultural divide here is larger than I imagined.

I am talking to a wall.
Seriously watch this.
[ame=""]Tell the truth about Islam - YouTube[/ame]
Dear Muslims, I believe the reason there is such insensitivity towards Mohammad is because he was a pedophile. If he did not get his rocks off having sex with his 9-year old wife Aisha, most people would take him and his followers more seriously.

We make fun of Christians too, so deal with it. But yeah, Mohammad was a child-rapist and child brides are still an issue in the Muslim world. inb4 "tree jumpers" tag.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is what all the hoopla is over?


??? Let's see if there's any reaction from the Middle East over it.