Car Dealership PHP Script?


New member
Feb 5, 2010
I need a car dealer inventory script that already has a language pack in spanish or that is based on an english language pack so I can easily change it to spanish.

I need the script to have the front end site so that customers can view the cars available and a backend for the dealership to input the cars in.

I bought Automotiv (a wordpress theme) but it's going to take way to much time to convert everything to spanish.

Any suggestions?

Thanks man, I did some more diging and there is a beta language package for Automotiv, going to test it out. WordPress would be ideal for this site.

Lets see what happens.
Thanks man, I did some more diging and there is a beta language package for Automotiv, going to test it out.

Go die. In a fire. Stop copy + pasting what people say.
hitup my friend on aim, username is simply "freddie". He has some dealership crap going on

Is it sad that I don't have AIM installed? Thanks, I'll install it.

Go die. In a fire. Stop copy + pasting what people say.

Fighting with bots is like fighting with a gopher that keeps popping up everywhere no matter how hard you try to smack it on the head with a hammer.