Capture Page/Squeeze Page creation


New member
Jan 17, 2014
I use wordpress, and I want something that makes squeeze pages possible. To be clear I want to be able to create any squeeze page I can imagine, and I dont really care for how Getresponse does it. I tried Aweber over a year ago, but if nothing has changed I don't like how they work with regard to squeeze pages. I was about to get Thrive, but they only give an annual license. Now it's only 147 a year, and I may go that route if it is the best option, but before doing that I was wondering what else was out there that had an equal level of customization.

Any help is appreciated.

Free but great - Optimize Press + Mailchimp.
Optmize press can help you build membership sites and other custom pages you need. It integrates nicely with a lot of autoresponder systems, specially Mailchimp which is free for the 1st 500 subscribers. This can be very useful when you’re building out a landing page to gain subscribers and will not cost you anything for split testing

Other options you can try:
Option Alpha
Expert Voice Book
Mike Filsaime
TCK Publishing
Thrive Landing Pages
Cowabunga Life
IM Impact
UC Baby
Occasion House
Backpacker Travel
Free but great - Optimize Press + Mailchimp.
Optmize press can help you build membership sites and other custom pages you need. It integrates nicely with a lot of autoresponder systems, specially Mailchimp which is free for the 1st 500 subscribers. This can be very useful when you’re building out a landing page to gain subscribers and will not cost you anything for split testing

Other options you can try:
Option Alpha
Expert Voice Book
Mike Filsaime
TCK Publishing
Thrive Landing Pages
Cowabunga Life
IM Impact
UC Baby
Occasion House
Backpacker Travel
Thanks. Thrive was already out front, and I had looked at Optimize Press and Lead Pages. I just wanted to be sure I was not missing anything under the radar.
Instapages and Leadpages can help you make eye catching squeeze pages. You can either choose from one of their templates or create your own.

Instapages has their own autoresponder service and they give you a free trial. Before I started using getresponse, I used Instapages because their pages are easy
to set up.