capchas are driving me insane

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Jul 6, 2007
At my desk!
no other point to this thread other than to say capchas (or whatever the f**k you call em) and everything they represent are driving me nuts...

not only do they piss me off when they say
"to prove you are human" or some shit like that,
or when they dont tell you if the box is case sensitive or not, so you end up entering the frigging code twice, or even the ones who fool you into thinking your eyesite is shit by using shitty images...

i can stand all that...

but they really piss me off when a site that never used capchas before suddenly starts using them and bots that have been running away quite happily for hours suddenly tell me they need some attention when i got other shit to be doing...


I am relunctant to admit defeat and start loosing to these things so could somebody please tell me the best way to make them as painless as possible...

please dont tell me javascript, please no.. no, no anything but javascript.

what have you found works best?

Uhm wait... You're pissed because you can't automate something that isn't supposed to be automated and you had a workaround which doesn't work anymore?

Welcome to the internets.
no other point to this thread other than to say capchas (or whatever the f**k you call em) and everything they represent are driving me nuts...

not only do they piss me off when they say
"to prove you are human" or some shit like that,
or when they dont tell you if the box is case sensitive or not, so you end up entering the frigging code twice, or even the ones who fool you into thinking your eyesite is shit by using shitty images...

i can stand all that...

but they really piss me off when a site that never used capchas before suddenly starts using them and bots that have been running away quite happily for hours suddenly tell me they need some attention when i got other shit to be doing...


I am relunctant to admit defeat and start loosing to these things so could somebody please tell me the best way to make them as painless as possible...

please dont tell me javascript, please no.. no, no anything but javascript.

what have you found works best?
You have 2 options
1)Use a service that solves them (.02 cents each ish)
2)Break em yourself.
Most aren't that hard.
Uhm wait... You're pissed because you can't automate something that isn't supposed to be automated and you had a workaround which doesn't work anymore?

lol thats funny.

I have successfully stopped bots from filling out most of my forms without using captchas. Its not the most effective way and if someone checks the source code then they can easily code a workaround but most of the spam I get on my web forms are from general bots that are spamming many sites not just mine so its not custom coded for my site.

The solution:

<input type="text" name="whatever" style="display:none;" />

What does it do? It puts a hidden text field that normal users cant see but bots can. Most bots if they don't recognize a text field they will just fill in random data. So when the form is submitted I check to see if that field has a value. If its blank then it was a regular user that filled it out. If it has a value then it was a bot and the form data is not processed. The bot gets the success page with no errors so it appears to be a successful submission but it really wasn't.

Not a perfect solution but its quick, easy, and it works for most of my sites and all my link exchange forms.
Interesting approach rob ... now if somehow it could be coded to deliver a 10,000 volt shock back up the tube to the owner of the bot it would be perfect. :/

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