Can't rewind video?


New member
Sep 9, 2011
What type of video players are the internet marketers using these days that don't allow you to fast forward or rewind? It gets so frustrating (when I'm doing my typical multi-tasking) and I am unable to rewind a section of the video to look at a screen shot or hear something over again that was said. Is there a work around so that I CAN fast forward or rewind?

What kind of script is this, does anyone know? Is there a way that I can get around this 'no rewind', 'no fast forward' problem? I noticed it a couple of weeks ago when I saw a video by the guy who does Affiliate Classroom - or maybe It's called Affiliate University(?) That 20-something guy who was featured in Newsweek for being a multi millionaire though his online activities. He's not the only one doing it; lots of the big players are using this type of video, but he was the first one that came to mind.(what IS that guys name...)
Can you post a link, an example? I may not be able to help, but someone else might, if you give them more information.
Thanks Clyde; this is a useful tool! I played around with it and sure enough, when I go under the 'layout' category and select 'false' for 'controlbar', it removes all controls from the screen - all you can do is click the screen to start or click the screen to pause.

Also, someone sent me another copy of the video that came to mind that used this method - it's at CommissionDomination(dot)com.

I still want to know, when someone sends me a type of video like this, is my only recourse to download and play it through another media player where I have access to the controls? If I could do something to the video WITHOUT having to go through that step I would prefer it.
What type of video players are the internet marketers using these days that don't allow you to fast forward or rewind? It gets so frustrating (when I'm doing my typical multi-tasking) and I am unable to rewind a section of the video to look at a screen shot or hear something over again that was said. Is there a work around so that I CAN fast forward or rewind?

I use jw player to do that with my videos so that maybe what others are using, you can also set some parameters in the youtube embed code so that it does't show the controls bar
The idea can be helpful I guess - you have a captive audience that HAS to sit through the entire video to get to any special offers, coupons, or whatever.

But, wow, I just don't always have the time to sit through a 30 minute (or even 45min-60min) presentation! I can't even tell how long the video is going to be and most of these marketers give no clue as to how long it's gonna take.

I give credit to one marketer though (can't remember who it was), when you click the exit button and then you get the popup that says 'Wait!' it takes you to a page with the TRANSCRIPT of the video. I though that was at least a step in the right direction (he should have mentioned first that there was a transcript option though, IMO.)