can't/hate getting clients - a joint venture/alliances


New member
Jul 11, 2011
I'll be quick and to the point.

Some people are great at ranking sites. Some people hate getting clients and dealing with clients.

So, what's the solution if you hate clients and managing them...they bug you, they ask irritating questions, etc.? Well, how about a joint venture?

I'm looking to work with people who are great at ranking sites--local niches for lead gen--but hate/dislike/can't/don't enjoy the sales side/getting clients side and management side of the clients.

I've got no product to sell or anything like that.

Just a proven model to where we can work together to where if you can rank the sites/niches/industries I need I can take away the headaches for you and make you really good can focus on what you do best! SEO and ranking!

You might be asking "if I am so good at selling why not rank my own sites?

Answer, I do, and I've got 175-200 doing well and making me nice money, AND I also realize that speed is important and synergy is important also.

I can't do everything I want to do by myself---the market is so huge and the opportunity is so great, that a joint venture makes me more money than just going it alone!

My specialist is in getting the phone to ring for local businesses, and I prefer lead if you can generate leads for local businesses--let's talk.

If you got another situation where it isn't local, but can get the phone ringing (national distribution--I can make that work, too...but we'd need to talk)

Shoot me a PM and we can see if it makes sense to work together. We can talk on skype or whatever.


