Canadian Guns

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I've yet to see any citizens with a gun in Canada. As far as I understand, only gun collectors and cops have legit guns here.
How can that be? There is so much wilderness up there - I know I would want a weapon in all that open space. Perhaps you live in a large city. Surely Canadians in more rural areas carry weapons.

And if you live in a large city, surely you have weapons for self-defense?
It's fairly easy to get a gun in Canada long as you have a license. Although I don't know how long that will last, it seems the idiots here think that hunters/sports shooters are the cause of gun crime.
You may need to start arming up to keep a border patrol.
You're going to want to start keeping those dirt poor and lazy foreigners from down South out of your country now that their's is an economic basket case...
or they'll take all your jobs and force you to start speaking their language in your schools!!!

You may need to start arming up to keep a border patrol.
You're going to want to start keeping those dirt poor and lazy foreigners from down South out of your country now that their's is an economic basket case...
or they'll take all your jobs and force you to start speaking their language in your schools!!!


Haha what a cocksucker
I have the license but I don't have a gun. Its not hard - basically a 1 day safety course and then you are allowed to purchase and keep handguns in your home. Hunting weapons (rifles) are less controlled.

You are never allowed to carry it around though. For example, you join a shooting range - you need a permit to be allowed to transport your handgun from your home to the range and back again. And even then, it has to be double locked in the trunk of your car. Even when you keep it at home, has to have a trigger lock and then be kept in a locked box or safe. So yes you can technically have one, but legally speaking it sure as hell won't be much use for protection.
It's a bitch cuz you have to wait 3 months just to get your fucking gun license.
I had no idea. When did things get this bad? In the US, we can get a license to carry a concealed weapon, but you can always wear your gun in plain site.

So... you can't have gun racks in your trucks? The government wants guns locked up even in your home? What are you supposed to do if someone breaks in - have your wife beat the guy with a baseball bat until you can get your gun out of a locked safe and ready to fire?

Now I see why you really need an organization to fight for your right to bear arms.
Oh, I'm sorry 7figures. Only part of your post soaked into my rusty old head. I see now it was just tough on handguns. I'm glad you can still shoot an intruder in your home with your rifle. A man has to be able to protect his family.
How many people on here are from around Toronto? I wonder if there are any meetups amongst us WickedFire ballers.
i only know 1 person who owns some guns out of all my friends/family/co workers etc... the rest have dogs.
all it took for me to get my PAL (possession & acquisition license) was a 2-day training course and test. i can go out and buy most rifles and shotguns (non-restricted) and take them home, but to purchase and take a hand gun (restricted) home would require a transport permit.
The gun control methods up here in Canada are rediculous. They make it impossible to own fire arms for most people (it takes forever and there are a TON of restrictions) and they leave it up to the criminals to do whatever they want. No one will invade the US cause the citizens would blow em
No one will invade the US cause the citizens would blow em

Good Point. It is better if the good citizens are armed - not just the bad guys.
I was eating breakfast in a restaurant the other day and 3 big 'ole boys came in wearing side arms. It just made me feel safer knowing those boys were armed. If some looney came in to rob the place or worse, at least those boys could take care of the situation. ( I had left my guns at home that day).
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