Can you turn WP into article directory site ?


New member
Jul 9, 2010
With features that suitable to an article directory, such as Author signup page, Pending Articles List, Rejected Articles, Approved Articles, Stats, and so on...

Yeah you can. There are two different versions: One that's free and the other is a paid theme. The free theme works just fine and has the options you're looking for. Anything that it doesn't have can be integrated by yourself, or any decent person in the design BST.

Don't waste too much time putting a lot of thought into it. I wasted Three months mulling over the possibility and truth be told: Most of the premade scripts are an awesome starting point. I was considering putting some hard-earned money into a custom script and I can't imagine why now. You can customize any part of the existing theme you want.

Get that shit up and start driving traffic. I've had one up for a 1.5 months now -- make sure you're picky from the start, unless your just looking for a link-building deal. Non-Engrish speaking folks will sniff you out faster than you can FTP that sucker to your host.
thanks IMHopeful, what script are you referring to ? can this work on a lifestlye theme?
I'm using a hacked up version of stmadeveloper's link -- it's really the only one that I'm aware of. As far as the other "paid" theme -- I THINK it was developed by a lady who worked for some major article directory (don't quote me on that one).

Hopefully someone can answer your question about the lifestyle theme. Really, you can make the Directory look however you want, but I'm not familiar with that theme or how to answer that question.
Software aside, do you guys have recommendations on the rules/policies for running an article directory like that?

Does anyone own a UGC site like that? How do you balance attracting quality submissions with stopping spam?

What is the time commitment for moderation and do you outsource quality control?

Looking to relaunch an existing site in this format, looking for ideas.
Mine's a labor of love and moderation is a 24/7 thing if you want to do it perfect from the get-go. Take a look at the demand for link-building and directory submissions on any marketing forum -- I wouldn't call myself lucky per say, but submissions are un-fucking-real and most of what comes my way is shit. Even look at the quality of Ezine articles and you see a lot of articles that don't make a damn bit of sense, despite their supposed submission standards.

I'm ready for at least 2-3 VA's for quality, while the final say is still going to be on me. I'm looking to build a brand BTW. If you're looking to be the next Ezine or AC I think you'd have an easier time -- I'm just picky about my site and current niche.

I don't know how to stop the spam -- If you don't give out links, it will cut down on most of the spam, but you have to have something attractive to writers, or money to buy the content.

I realize I've babbled a bit here: 1) It's a fucking hard gig. 2) I'm looking to build something to the standard of only better, lol. They aren't anything like the size of the big guns -- but the quality of the articles and reader base are far beyond the big names (your goals may be different/require less moderation).
Mine's a labor of love and moderation is a 24/7 thing if you want to do it perfect from the get-go. Take a look at the demand for link-building and directory submissions on any marketing forum -- I wouldn't call myself lucky per say, but submissions are un-fucking-real and most of what comes my way is shit. Even look at the quality of Ezine articles and you see a lot of articles that don't make a damn bit of sense, despite their supposed submission standards.

I'm ready for at least 2-3 VA's for quality, while the final say is still going to be on me. I'm looking to build a brand BTW. If you're looking to be the next Ezine or AC I think you'd have an easier time -- I'm just picky about my site and current niche.

I don't know how to stop the spam -- If you don't give out links, it will cut down on most of the spam, but you have to have something attractive to writers, or money to buy the content.

I realize I've babbled a bit here: 1) It's a fucking hard gig. 2) I'm looking to build something to the standard of only better, lol. They aren't anything like the size of the big guns -- but the quality of the articles and reader base are far beyond the big names (your goals may be different/require less moderation).

Do you have some idea what these VA moderators would cost?

You still have to train them, give them a manual / rules to enforce, so it is not going to be totally hands off.

I mean you have to codify for them what is considered spam and what is valid submission...

Obviously the key is decide who is allowed to post what kind of links... I am curious if anyone has a recommended policy on that.