Can you just copy your competitors' inlinks?

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New member
Feb 7, 2009
My competition for an affiliate "review" site I just made take up the top 3-4 google results. I checked their links with Yahoo Site Explorer and each of them has between 30-60 inlinks, but the thing is, the majority of them are just random comments posted on blogs. Like they will have picked a blog entry on some dude's blog (totally unrelated to the affiliate niche) and left a comment like "great story!" and their URL is linked in their name. But the blogs are completely unrelated, like say the niche is cell phones... they would be leaving comments on like plumbing blogs.

So, since I have a list of all these links, can I just go to the same sites and leave comments on random blog entries with my URL in my name? Since it worked for them, will it work for me, too?

lol i was just thining how pissed I'd be if someone did that to me. "Hey, why does my competitor have the same exact inlinks as me?"

seriously tho, is this viable?

ok it seems that you are really new to seo and this forum, and im in a good mood right now so im not going to flame you. Thats what you call comment spamming or blog spamming, and it would not be an issue if you commented on the same blogs they commented on also. In fact i would say you were "slow" if you did not get on that shit right now, and then do some more to rank better then them. Thats the bread and butter of basic seo'ing. If i were you i would go around to a few hundred blogs and READ them and make a real comment on the post. in the name you put the keyword you are trying to rank for, email put whatever you want (even your real one would work just fine) and for the url you put the site you are trying to rank. Now go and find some seo sites and read the shit out of them and figure out what the next step would be after that. I suggest you read bluehatseo (dot) com. And who the fuck cares if you piss off someone else. Now get to reading and working and get those monies
Yes indeedy, thats exactly what I'm doing now. Using SEO for firefox, check the yahoo page links and yahoo edu page links, and copy the fuckers. Then keep going, and as MJ once said 'don't stop till you get enough'

Fat Tom, why does nofollow not mean shit? Doesn't it at least mean that Google bot won't give you the PR juice from the site hosting your link and that it won't crawl the link if it's marked 'nofollow'?
I'd rather see if there were any links that were relevant to his market and copy those and start getting more worthwhile links on my own.
I'd rather see if there were any links that were relevant to his market and copy those and start getting more worthwhile links on my own.

Like I said earlier...

...thats exactly what I'm doing now. Using SEO for firefox, check the yahoo page links and yahoo edu page links, and copy the fuckers. Then keep going...
Spam blogs don't really have much juice to pass on in the first place, so that's generally why nofollow doesn't mean shit. You still get a backlink.

metalhead: Get yourself some automation tools, and a list of dofollow commented blogs. You really don't want to be doing that shit manually. $500 for an automation tool is well worth it if it saves you 10 hours of the most boring work.
Spam blogs don't really have much juice to pass on in the first place, so that's generally why nofollow doesn't mean shit. You still get a backlink.

metalhead: Get yourself some automation tools, and a list of dofollow commented blogs. You really don't want to be doing that shit manually. $500 for an automation tool is well worth it if it saves you 10 hours of the most boring work.

which one do you recommend?
Dimeaseo: I'm happy with SENuke, myself, but I prefer social bookmark spamming over blog spamming.

how does an automation tool work?
An automation tool is something you use to save time by performing repetitive tasks, such as directory submission, blog posting, account creation, etc.

There are a shitload of automation tools at DP that you can get for dirt cheap.
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