can we have a private section to discuss SEO and online marketing?


New member
May 4, 2012
... or can we simply set the Traffic & Content section accessible only to those that have at least X amount of posts and/or X+ months memberships?

this will make it matt cutts proof and we know we can discuss technical things freely with no risk of the google police reading our shit and using it against us..

what do u guys think?


Once you provide enough valuable posts in the regular forum you'll be contacted with an offer to join WF Premium. If you aren't contacted then there is nothing more you can do. This is the only surefire way we have found to keep out the unwanted types.
... or can we simply set the Traffic & Content section accessible only to those that have at least X amount of posts and/or X+ months memberships?

this will make it matt cutts proof and we know we can discuss technical things freely with no risk of the google police reading our shit and using it against us..

what do u guys think?

[ame=]Bro, Do you even SEO? - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah EvilPenguin, the limit is 1000 posts, you've got to post 3x what you've got to get in. Good luck bro.​
I always assumed that's what that Daily Hustle - Private section was.

Oh, how I have longed to penetrate its walls and glean the hidden wisdom contained therein. But alas.