Can i make these blogs profitable

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your adsense integration isnt very good (IMO) and you seem to have no content? "read more" link points to a separate site which isnt yours
you'll need to start offering your persective on the news, or maybe your opinion on current events - then you can build some traffic
I am interested in what others were saying on not really wanting return visitors and setting up so no outs side pointing links and only adsense or aff progs to click on really if this is a possabilitty.
Definately need to offer more content especually you opinion/ summary. That is how you get readers and traffic. Also I would maybe considera different layout. It is kind of busy and not really digging the middle of the page layout. I think that you could intergrate your ad's to the text better. I am always a fan of simple blog sites. Go with lots of white space with a mordern clean css layout. Or since you use wordpress then grab a different cleaner layout. Also dont whore your blog out so much with Ad's. I think you have a good start. Also one thing to look at is you are entering a very very competitive market. Arbitrage for the segment that you are appealing for with be a thin line to walk due to the high demand for traffic (equals high cost per visitor) for those keywords since the ad's payout so well. Good luck mate.
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