Can I have 2 seperate scenes of diff dimensions in Flash?

John rife

Football Fan
Aug 10, 2009
Can I have 2 seperate scenes of diff dimensions in Flash? Or if not, how can I get two seperate sizes in flash. suppose i have img1 at 300x300. now when i call img2, which is 500x500, i only want img2 to show and img1 to disappear (basically 300 should be converted into 500). I do not want to make img1 as 500x500, coz then i will have additional blank spaces which i do not want.

any ideas

I am not following your question 100%.

The action script stage is generally a fixed dimension. You can add to the stage with addChild and remove from the stage with removeChild.
this is what i meant

i have a pic of 300x300. now when that is clicked on, another scene is to pop up, but that pic is 500x500. so how to handle both these dimensions in flash
Again i don't know that i follow your terminology 100%.

A scene is a member of MovieClip.

You can use movie_clip_object.gotoAndStop() to show just the one frame (image) of a scene.

What are you using to create your actionscript/flash files?