Can I get some quick sales tips...?


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Ok, so here's the deal... A few months back I regged a few service related local domains ( etc)

2 of them are on the first page for the term with no content and no work. I am going to develop them and try to sell them to make some quick cash that I could REALLY fucking use right now, but that's where I'm stuck...

I seriously eat cock at selling. I have been told I am good on the phone, but in my eyes, I suck, and I really procrastinate when it comes to cold calling and shit like that.

This is kind of one of those "I'm desperate for quick cash guys halp me!" posts, except I already have the shit done and ready to sell, I could just use a few good pointers on how to get these fucking things sold.

Any tips would be appreciate guys, and I'm just now diving into the 10 day challenge threads by Soupy as well.

Ok, so here's the deal... A few months back I regged a few service related local domains ( etc)

2 of them are on the first page for the term with no content and no work. I am going to develop them and try to sell them to make some quick cash that I could REALLY fucking use right now, but that's where I'm stuck...

I seriously eat cock at selling. I have been told I am good on the phone, but in my eyes, I suck, and I really procrastinate when it comes to cold calling and shit like that.

This is kind of one of those "I'm desperate for quick cash guys halp me!" posts, except I already have the shit done and ready to sell, I could just use a few good pointers on how to get these fucking things sold.

Any tips would be appreciate guys, and I'm just now diving into the 10 day challenge threads by Soupy as well.

Think of it as a numbers game. Try to sell appointments, not sales.

1st sell the appointment. In the appointment sell the idea. End the appointment by setting a time to go over possible terms. Close the sale in that appointment

I'm a believer of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP).

I swear by Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar.

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Think of it as a numbers game. Try to sell appointments, not sales.

1st sell the appointment. In the appointment sell the idea. End the appointment by setting a time to go over possible terms. Close the sale in that appointment

I'm a believer of Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP).

I swear by Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I'll have a look at that right now... Also, I totally forgot to mention this piece of key information, but the sites are local to a city 3 hours from me, as I am in the middle of a small ass town for 2 more months, so meeting in person isn't much of an option :(

Go to the Traffic and Content section and read the Local SEO thread.

Taking a look now, thanks bud
Ok, so here's the deal... A few months back I regged a few service related local domains ( etc)

2 of them are on the first page for the term with no content and no work. I am going to develop them and try to sell them to make some quick cash that I could REALLY fucking use right now, but that's where I'm stuck...

I seriously eat cock at selling. I have been told I am good on the phone, but in my eyes, I suck, and I really procrastinate when it comes to cold calling and shit like that.

This is kind of one of those "I'm desperate for quick cash guys halp me!" posts, except I already have the shit done and ready to sell, I could just use a few good pointers on how to get these fucking things sold.

Any tips would be appreciate guys, and I'm just now diving into the 10 day challenge threads by Soupy as well.

1. Setup site with some content and a Google voice number that forwards to their business line.

2. They begin getting calls and you're logging it in your google voice account.

3. Call them a week later and show them the calls in google voice you've been forwarding to them (because you're so nice)

4. Offer to charge them per call at the end of each month, or they can buy the site for $3,000 right now.

I do this every month and it works.
If you choose not to use my amazingly simple method you are guaranteed to fail :)

Have fun
Pretend the person you're trying to sell is the hottest fucking chick in the universe and her pussy is the fountain of youth.

I am quoting this on FB because it's that fucking awesome hahaha

1. Setup site with some content and a Google voice number that forwards to their business line.

2. They begin getting calls and you're logging it in your google voice account.

3. Call them a week later and show them the calls in google voice you've been forwarding to them (because you're so nice)

4. Offer to charge them per call at the end of each month, or they can buy the site for $3,000 right now.

I do this every month and it works.
If you choose not to use my amazingly simple method you are guaranteed to fail :)

Have fun

THIS!! This is what I love! Thank you, this is fucking awesome!
Best piece of advise on got in sales was this:

People buy on emotion and justify with logic.

Make it an emotional process; make them like you and your idea; and give them reasons to justify going with you over anyone else.
1. Setup site with some content and a Google voice number that forwards to their business line.

2. They begin getting calls and you're logging it in your google voice account.

3. Call them a week later and show them the calls in google voice you've been forwarding to them (because you're so nice)

4. Offer to charge them per call at the end of each month, or they can buy the site for $3,000 right now.

I do this every month and it works.
If you choose not to use my amazingly simple method you are guaranteed to fail :)

Have fun

Dude, that's a pretty damn cool idea! :rasta:
1. Setup site with some content and a Google voice number that forwards to their business line.

2. They begin getting calls and you're logging it in your google voice account.

3. Call them a week later and show them the calls in google voice you've been forwarding to them (because you're so nice)

4. Offer to charge them per call at the end of each month, or they can buy the site for $3,000 right now.

I do this every month and it works.
If you choose not to use my amazingly simple method you are guaranteed to fail :)

Have fun

Btw, how much do you charge per call if they choose that option, if you don't mind my asking?

If you're new to the phones. The best way to get good is to constantly pound the phone. Understand rejection will happen most of the time. When you call and get rejected you will feel emotion, it feels like shit. Get over NOW and move on to the next call.

Build your phone endurance. Don't let emotion get in the way. Move on to the next number. Everytime you call a new number you will feel the confidence come and the pitch will become smoother.

The rest it seems, you got a handle on. You have a great service, and have confidence in it. Your post shows it.

Pound the phone! Be relentless. Be a machine.

Once you have Phone Zen, you will be able to sell anything and i mean ANYTHING. Its a good skill to have.
Btw, how much do you charge per call if they choose that option, if you don't mind my asking?

How much you can charge will vary from market to market. I do something similar to this, and for some high ticket markets, I've gotten as much as $75 per call.

On the flip side, if the plumbers average caller is looking for someone to come out and snake their toilet and the final bill is $150 you are going to get considerably less per call. It's hard as hell to get some of types of businesses to understand the life time value of a customer.
Think of it as a numbers game. Try to sell appointments, not sales.

1st sell the appointment. In the appointment sell the idea. End the appointment by setting a time to go over possible terms. Close the sale in that appointment

I have to agree strongly with Mr. Soupy here. This is great advice for a new phone jockey. You want to do this because 'setting the appointment' is just the intro, the first bit, of the whole pitch. Don't worry about the whole pitch. Get on the phone, tell em who you are, get the right person on the phone, tell em about your service, set appointment. Rinse Repeat.

It's quick, get over emotion, move on to the next appointment. The goal here is to hit as many numbers as possible, and to get smooth with the appointment setting phase.
Mr. Soupy - lolz, I like it

Traska, great tip! +rep

I have to agree strongly with Mr. Soupy here. This is great advice for a new phone jockey. You want to do this because 'setting the appointment' is just the intro, the first bit, of the whole pitch. Don't worry about the whole pitch. Get on the phone, tell em who you are, get the right person on the phone, tell em about your service, set appointment. Rinse Repeat.

It's quick, get over emotion, move on to the next appointment. The goal here is to hit as many numbers as possible, and to get smooth with the appointment setting phase.