Can I get a bit of feedback please

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Symmetry Power

Aspiring Thousandaire
Apr 8, 2007
Washington State
What do you guys think of this site so far.. in looks mostly is what I'm trying to get feedback on.. but of course feel free to give whatever opinion ya got.. it will all be taken into account..

Review Me!

Thanks everyone who has time to do this..

It looks simple, but not too simple. Design should not interfere with content. However, a few light gradients here and there would give it just that touch to make it more professional looking.

other than it took quite a while for the page to load it looks fine to me... but ive always been into the technical and less of the pleasing looks aspect of things...
A gradient is one color that gradually changes to another:

Gradient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think the colors are a bit dull, it looks like a script I've seen a thousand times before, if it is, by all means, customize.

Login box seems to have too much padding, takes up alot of space. The entire second column is too wide. I would also not have your email adress in plain text on the site and I would not put that registration message there but instead only display it after the user has registered. Someone who is already registered or is just a guest does not care about that.

And at least get a logo, if you're trying to be a fun/humor site it's not right now.

I would also not place the about/contact us in the header navigation but instead in the footer. 99% does not care.
ok i'll see where to adjust the user login settings.. i've been trying to customize a better looking theme.. the email address wasn't in plain text when i first had it there.. lol i don't know what happend.. and that box only shows for anonymous users on the first page. also everything on the right column shows up only on the front page.. yeah i need a logo and have been trying to work on that.. the direction of the page has been changing.. as soon as i can figure out how to put the about/contact us links in the footer i will do so.. i'm using drupal 5 right now.. thanks everyone for the tips

p.s. i actually knew what a gradient was.. but i didnt know it 5 minutes after waking up from being drunk the night before lol
Fix the "Primary Links" part - when you mouse over - the text changes to Orange on Orange background. I can't see shit. Make it turn black instead.

You've got 2 "login" sections right now - get rid of one.

Also, i think you should move the "blog posts" or "navigation" sections someplace more prominent.

my €0.02
Change your adsense format the one you are using will get you very less clicks.

what is () after every most popular content?

No meta tags? no adsense targeting comments in the source?

I like your simple forum section.

Overall simple site..could make it more interesting.
ok.. thanks for all the feedback guys.. keep it coming.. it'd help 2 to know what browser you are using.. it's been harder for me to edit things quickly since i'm using drupal.. what adsense format should i use then? and in case you guys are wondering.. i've been going crazy with changing and modifying different themes in the last 2 or 3 days.. so the look can be completely different depending.. i didnt take the site offline for maintenance so that way if anyone went there i could get feedback still..
Change your adsense format the one you are using will get you very less clicks.

what is () after every most popular content?

No meta tags? no adsense targeting comments in the source?

I like your simple forum section.

Overall simple site..could make it more interesting.

That popular content shit.. I have no fucking clue lol.. but I'm using a different look now..

The meta tags.. I don't know where to put those in drupal.. if someone knew what file to put them in.. that'd be great.. or I'll probably find it.. it might be in part of the cms admin

Ok.. I have an adsense injector module now that puts in targeted adsense into the nodes.. i love the forum myself.. uie forum module for drupal.. i just need to add more smileys and shit.. anyways thanks for the specific suggestions
The meta tags.. I don't know where to put those in drupal.. if someone knew what file to put them in.. that'd be great.. or I'll probably find it.. it might be in part of the cms admin
It is. It used be part of the overall config, but I am pretty sure there is also a drupal module to allow you to set meta tags by page/article (by node in drupalese).

It's been a while so I suppose it could have been made part of the standard package by now.
Thanks.. I started reading the "Pro Drupal Development" book at Barnes & Noble tonight.. and got about 10 pages into before they were closing..and now I really want that book.. it's written real well and they make it all easy to understand.. and now I also understand I made a few sloppy errors in my customization which I need to fix lol.. now I just need to figure out what meta tags to place
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