Can I create a new site from the database backup of site I sold?


New member
Nov 22, 2009

A while back I sold a site and the new owner never updated it and it has been offline for a few months now. I would like to create a site again in the same niche and have the database backup for the site I sold, would it be ok for me to use that backup for the new site?

I've had someone do that to me... twice. Neither asked permission, one at least deleted the user table when confronted. Both fucks deserve to have their heads smashed in.

Go out of your way to call the new owner and ask him first. If you can't contact him by any means then consider it an asshole move to proceed anyway.
this is actually a legally challenging question depending on whether you sold him the exclusive rights to the site & then also whether the buyer was lost any rights by going offline for an extended amount of time. some intellectual property rights are lost when a business folds like that. consult an attorney if it is worth it to you to make sure you do not make a big mistake that leaves you open to some legal headaches.
Where did all these pussies come from?

If its been down for months what is wrong with putting it back up?