Can I Bitch Too?

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New member
Jun 12, 2007
Ive seen a few threads rantin on big G and stuff so I thought I would do my own rant on Squidoo. I had 5 lens ranking in the top 5 in a particular niche in Google and Yahoo.

I have always been a mortgage man but since the subprime market went belly up I said screw mortgages and have found other niches to cash in on. I was bankin 7k+ on my Squidoo niches alone (about 60% of my monthly income). After 6 months of lovin Squidoo they lock all my len's today. Income went about 250 a day from len's to ZILCH.

They say its because I set off thier spam filters but it's the same lens I have had for 6 months and thier are many more lens in my niche that are tons more spammy. Not really sure why they locked me exept maybe that Monday I hit number one in my nice and traffic doubled to about 3k a day...not really sure though.

Moral of my post: Dont put your IM eggs in one basket and always remember that if your page is on someown else's server they can shut you down for no reason at anytime.

Moral of my post: Dont put your IM eggs in one basket and always remember that if your page is on someown else's server they can shut you down for no reason at anytime.

That's some wise shit man. See, and they say getting high is bad for you.
Can you start another lens? I suppose you had already built links and everything... what specifically set off their 'spam' filter?

Sure I can do another lens but all my SEO work on the previous is down the drain. I guess they probably flag IP as well making my future efforts kinda risky.
'All my SEO work is down the drain'

Uhh, why in the hell would you spend all of your time marketing someone else's site instead of your own?

Take back control. Get your own domain, use squidoo, sure, but that is just one piece of the HUGE puzzle.
'All my SEO work is down the drain'

Uhh, why in the hell would you spend all of your time marketing someone else's site instead of your own?

Take back control. Get your own domain, use squidoo, sure, but that is just one piece of the HUGE puzzle.

I've not worked with Squidoo, but as I understand it, the authority given them by Google made it pretty easy to rank for competitive terms. I have no idea how much time and effort popeye put into his lenses, but it was likely a lot less than would otherwise be needed to rank for those same terms on a domain with significantly less authority.

So, I can totally understand putting in the work to rank for terms to drive $7K+/month if it really wasn't much work to begin with.

But, I'm with you, ScottDaMan in that Squidoo should be just one part of the puzzle (it sounds like popeye has some other projects going to pay the bills while rebuilding).
They did the same thing to me awhile ago. Some asshole who was copying wikipedia stuff in the same market, and had 50+ spammy links per page wasn't locked and took my spot. I think he reported mine :| Fuck Squidoo!
well, at least you know next time. it sucks you didn't figure it out beforehand, you could've kept a lot of traffic
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