can google ban you for using to many coupons?


New member
Apr 19, 2010
Hey I was just wondering would google ban me if I just kept using these $100 coupons you can buy off this forum and others? I don't see why I would pay $100 for adwords to google when I can pay $5 to some one selling a coupon. There has to be a catch.

If they were going to restrict coupon use, they'd tell you first. For instance, they'd return a message, "You've used too many coupons for this month, please try again later. While you wait, please give us your monies."

Usually you'll see a restriction in the Coupon E-mail about how it can be used, how many per time, etc. I doubt they'd ban someone over it if they used too many.

If they didn't give you a restriction, it's their loss for not being specific.
Well you have to create new accounts, erase your IP, and other shit like that... so if thats something you want to do.. go ahead, but eventually if your good at what you do, 100 bucks is nothing and a waste of time.. :p
$100 free campaign testing money, though, is definitely appealing and doesn't seem like that much of a time waste for a n00b like me. I set up a MCC and have three accounts, but am a little afraid to push it much further than that.

Anyone else done this without being banned, and how many accounts is too many?
Doing PPC with coupons is like trading securities on paper.
You think you are learning something, but you aren't.

So unless you plan on using coupons forever (which is a completely different "business" model in itself), you might as well start playing for real. And you won't learn shit for $100 anyway.