Can Copy & Paste Be Automated?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Say you have an email application and need to copy and paste an address into a firefox window. Address in the email app look like:

John Doe
123 Wicked Lane
Computer Town

But it has to be copied into a text field, one which says first name, last name, address line 1, line 2 etc.

Can this be automated with any tool you know of?

yes very easily:

non coder: use some winautomation tool.

coder: use something like python/php/ruby to download the mail, parse the information and then post it to the online form using a http library.
I believe Firefox can "Autofill" but havent looked at this in a while. If its not directly in FF, then there is definitely an add-on that does it.
In case you're following along - Macro Express 3 does everything and can copy and paste etc from app to browser and all that and more. Thanks.
Load all the data in a CSV file (First Name, Last name, Adrress, Town fields) then use imacros to read the file and fill all the fields and all the pages you want.
This is the no coder choice, for the coder choice read above posts.