Call the Poh-leese

damn, what a bitch move coming from behind and putting him a sleeper hold. Shit like that pisses me off so bad I swear.

An old friend did that to me and played it off like he was some badass. About a year later I broke his jaw. We are no longer friends
Damn that was bullshit. Bouncer is a douche. That infuriates me, another reason I train jiu jitsu. If black guy had even a bit of training he could have defended himself.
That was some bullshit right there. Though after that event, I would not have fought back after getting back up especially since its on tape, and if he didn't go back to hit the guy, he could say they attacked him without reason (cuz I didn't see him throw a fist or anything like that prior to the sleeper)
I love it when shit like that happens. Gives me a chance to sneak my bounced ass back in.


damn, what a bitch move coming from behind and putting him a sleeper hold. Shit like that pisses me off so bad I swear.

An old friend did that to me and played it off like he was some badass. About a year later I broke his jaw. We are no longer friends

Same shit happened to me a few years back... He thought it was cool until I started feeling like I was gonna black out and decided "fuck this"... He didn't think it was cool anymore after I stuck my pocketknife through his cheek.

As you, we are no longer friends.
damn, what a bitch move coming from behind and putting him a sleeper hold. Shit like that pisses me off so bad I swear.

The bouncers job isn't to not fight like a bitch, his job is to defuse a situation before or as soon as it happens. One bouncer got pushed, was the other one supposed to square up and tell the guy to get ready to throw down? Bouncer 2 controlled the guy and nobody, even they guy put in the sleeper, ended up getting hurt. I don't see a problem here.
Here's something refreshing, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth getting one of the concert venue security guards removed cos he was rough with the fans. If you watch it big you'll see he slaps him in the head too...

"fuckin pullin people down and throwin em on the ground FUCK YOU!"

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Here's something refreshing, Dave Mustaine of Megadeth getting one of the concert venue security guards removed cos he was rough with the fans. If you watch it big you'll see he slaps him in the head too...

"fuckin pullin people down and throwin em on the ground FUCK YOU!"

YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.

lol, this thread really shows you the advantages of being white ... hahaha
The bouncers job isn't to not fight like a bitch, his job is to defuse a situation before or as soon as it happens. One bouncer got pushed, was the other one supposed to square up and tell the guy to get ready to throw down? Bouncer 2 controlled the guy and nobody, even they guy put in the sleeper, ended up getting hurt. I don't see a problem here.

Exactly. If you have any advantage in a conflict - use it.

The bouncers in that video were a bit out of line. Your job as a bouncer is to do one thing - protect the owner's business (ie: his liquor license) and if you're causing problems like that in front of a club, you're not doing anyone any favors.

Problem 1) Bouncers aggravated the situation verbally. Good bouncers don't do this.

Problem 2) Bouncers did not secure individual once he was out. Good bouncers know that people, when they get choked out during a fight, are very pissed off when they wake up. I've had guys who I've choked out wake up a few seconds later and start swinging. If the problem's bad enough that you had to choke someone out, you better secure him and wait for the cops you called...oh wait..

Problem 3) Cops weren't called. Hard to defend your actions in a courtroom at that point, especially with the video.