Call blocking devices


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Has anyone here used digitone call blocking device? Any feedback? Even though I am on the no call lists, I still get calls I don't want. My phone can block 30 numbers but it rings once before disconnecting. I would like something that disconnects blocked numbers without ringing.

On another note I got a kick out of this lady's answer to junk faxes (copy pasted from an article)

When Tyler receives a junk fax, she takes a piece of black paper, puts it in her fax machine and dials the "fax replies to" number or the transmission fax number on the junk fax. Before transmitting, she tapes the ends of the paper together to make a loop. "Your very dark fax will be sent on an endless loop until someone at the other end realizes what's happening and interrupts the transmission," she says. "This may not get you removed from the list but it sure makes you feel a lot better! And I've never had a repeat junk fax after I've used this trick."