California Democrats trying to pass an “Amazon tax”

Nancy Skinner is behind this stupid idea. She lives in the Bay Area and I am tempted to knock on her door to give her a little visit...
Not to mention the Supreme Court has already ruled that a State trying to force a corporation from another State to collect its sales tax for it is unconstitutional.
Not to mention the Supreme Court has already ruled that a State trying to force a corporation from another State to collect its sales tax for it is unconstitutional.
Yup, and a similar bill two years ago was vetoed. When will these politicians learn ?!
I think the " " were supposed to indicate facetiousness, but just in case I'll leave this here

no, thats not the "insane" in his eyes, its the "conservative" and "sarah palin" you see in that stare

Clearly a Rachel Maddow follower here. lulz at the thought that somebody "not interested in politics", somebody who "didn't listen to talk radio", somebody who "wasn't left or right" could be conservative or know who Sarah Palin was.

What a fucking brainwashed idiot this Napolean bitch is.
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Clearly a Rachel Maddow follower here. lulz at the thought that somebody "not interested in politics", somebody who "didn't listen to talk radio", somebody who "wasn't left or right" could be conservative or know who Sarah Palin was.

What a fucking brainwashed idiot this Napolean bitch is.

My post was actually a joke. I thought my sarcasm was more obvious :eek:

Are there really that many people here that think that way, that a post like my last one is immediately taken seriously? Thats scary.

To be clear, I thought the whole "blame the tea party, blame sara palin, blame conservatives" thing was absolutely ridiculous. When I saw 7 out of 10 tweets being about why it was Sara Palins fault and not on well wishes for the people who were hurt, I was disgusted.

I was poking fun at how big of a stretch the left has been making to try to blame someone for what obviously was the work of a lunatic.

If you cant take one look at that guys pic and realize he's crazy, then you must be looking at a kindred spirit. Perhaps crazy people dont recognize other crazy people, the same way they feel like everyone else is crazy but them.

Sorry to go off topic, just wanted to make sure you guys knew where I stood on this. Last thing I expected was to actually be mistaken for a desparate lefty.