Bye Bye Acai, We'll Miss You.

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Im not so sure about whether Acai / Weight Loss will take the same direction with ringtones. There is a lot of shit being banded about but people are still banking big style on Acai / weight loss related products.

Its hard to see what kind of 'compliance' Google can bring in to make these ads 'safe' for their users without just wiping out the whole niche. (And if they did that, yes were all fucked with regards to weight loss).
Its hard to see what kind of 'compliance' Google can bring in to make these ads 'safe' for their users without just wiping out the whole niche. (And if they did that, yes were all fucked with regards to weight loss).
What does Google have to do with this? They've pretty much "banned" the acai blogs for quite a while now.

And as for the BBB warning about this: Who cares? It's not like the target audience will ever find out about this.

Plus, Ringtones didn't exactly receive the best press either.
What does Google have to do with this? They've pretty much "banned" the acai blogs for quite a while now.

And as for the BBB warning about this: Who cares? It's not like the target audience will ever find out about this.

Plus, Ringtones didn't exactly receive the best press either.

The OP was refering to compliance rules brought in by Google for Ringtones.
I do believe Acai will eventually become one of those words that give people negative associations. But...this will take time to settle into the average consumer's mind.

(Unless of course, Oprah airs a "beware of Acai offers and nevermind what I said on my show about it earlier" show at some point).

Does anyone remember the Fhen-Phen diet many years back? In the days before internet marketing, this diet product was a HUGE craze that sold motherloads to the same demographic as Acai sells to today.

Then serious health hazards were discovered, and through several news stories - the name went from a hot sales term to a word nobody wanted to associate with.

It has since been argued that the product wasn't as bad as first stated. But the negative associations stuck in people's minds.

Alright, alright.. so Acai doesn't have the serious health issues that Phen had. But my point is that given enough bad press, a fad can and will die. And as the OP suggests, the fact that the BBB is now starting to issue press releases that are picked up by the media, is a sign that the heydays of Acai are likely coming to an end.

There's still time to bank on it though, and I think we'll still see the offers on the network for quite a while longer.

What remains to see is how all the Acai complaints and BBB warnings will affect rebilling of other "free trial" type CPA offers.

What are your thoughts on this?
It will be awhile yet before acai starts to die. In fact my conversions have shot up hugely in the last week.

Hasn't Wu-yi been going for over a year now?
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funny how people say

"Offer xy is going to die in 2-3 weeks."

I hear that all the time, yet it only really happened to Ringtones. And still, a lot of people are banking on them.
A few weeks ago there was a few people over and guess what one of the guests brings? An Acai bottle... quotes from the event to follow (sample size 10, male/female)

"Isn't that shit supposed to be really good for you?"
"Isn't this stuff endorsed by oprah?"
"Tastes a bit weird but it's good"
"Where can I buy this stuff?"

Basically no one had anything to say other than it's a really good product for your health and where to buy it.. it sold me into thinking Acai might be worth getting into... at least worth a try.

It won't be dead until oprah says it is, the damage(mass public idiocy) has already been established. It's going to take a lot more than your dried up sales to know that the fat lady has sung.
6 months ago it was all green tea, then acai, tomorrow, maybe probiotics (big in asia already). who knows. these are fad diets and the people who make them aren't just going to disappear and retire anymore than we are gonna hang up our laptops when acai dies off.

people will always want to lose weight and where there's a need someones gonna fill it.

now, as for the rebill structure its quite possible that might be forced to opt-in though the logistics is going to be a lot harder to regulate than ringtones due to the lack of "big" companies to lean on and less specific keywords to bear down on. true change on that side will only come when the credit card companies force it or a law changes, not what google does. anyway fuck google they aren't the only place to advertise.
The BBB put out an alert (and rightfully so) early in Janaury, and all the small newstations are picking up the alert and packaging a story to it.
I heard the Shamwow guys are coming out with the Acai Diaper damn that shit gives you the runs
ABC had an article out in mid Dec about watching out for Acai. Now the BBB is warning consumers. Google's banned acai blogs for a while now, and soon others will follow.

And everywhere I look, I see acai ads. I think it will crumble under it's own weight soon enough. Don't know exactly how much longer it has, but milk it before it's gone.
The BBB is a scam on its own actually... So who gives a fuck what they say. But alas, Acai won't be around forever. Now if the FTC issued a warning, THEN that would be means of concern. But the BBB, psh, fuck that.
The BBB is a scam on its own actually... So who gives a fuck what they say. But alas, Acai won't be around forever. Now if the FTC issued a warning, THEN that would be means of concern. But the BBB, psh, fuck that.

I was just about to say this. BBB is as close as it's possiblle to go legally, to a criminal racket...

1. Something like 70% of americans think BBB is a government organisation. It's not its a private company set up by some bitch.

2. As a company, you can pay them large amounts to remove complaints against your company.

And yet... They're taking the moral high road on Acai.
Hello Friend,
[ame=""]YouTube - The Beatles Hello Goodbye[/ame]

Good Luck bro.
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