Buying domains from squatters

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009

Looking for some advice on buying a domain from a squatter. One of my clients owns the .org, .net, etc for their brand. Someone managed to scoop up the .com a long time ago.

When I do a WHOIS, the owner's info is blocked out by

How do I go about figuring out who owns this domain, contacting them, and then making the purchase? Money is not an issue.


You can try emailing them with the protected email listed should forward to the owner. From experience most are hard to reach and all the money in the world doesn't matter. Not sure why that is but giving away lots of free money to people can be tough sometimes. It is oddly amazing hard doesn't matter how much.

I'v been in the reputation business for a while and sometimes even have to attempt buying pages off peoples site. It can also be something simple like a forum posting you'd like edited. Maybe it's just to hard for them to believe (with all the scams etc) that someone would actually give me 5K or whatever to edit a simple forum post.
This is pretty hardcore option, but you can also consider going after the owner for a UDRP or ACPA action. These are statutes that allow you to pop a cybersquatter and get a domain, especially if it's your client's brand name or better yet, a trademarked name. Here's a quick link to show you some crazy shit for how far some of this has gone: UDRP Wall of Shame.

Also, and I don't know these guys, but here's a link to a law firm's website that specializes in this stuff... I cannot vouch for them but they have some info on their site that gives pretty decent insight for how this stuff works. Domain Disputes

Again, not advising you go this route, but if you want to play hardball it's an option that might work.
Contact them via the email addy in the whois and for goodness sake dont let on you are trying to complete the domain extension set or they will bleed you dry.
you could just visit their website if they have got a legit one up... if not just email the privacy address.... don't hold your breath though
This is pretty hardcore option, but you can also consider going after the owner for a UDRP or ACPA action. These are statutes that allow you to pop a cybersquatter and get a domain, especially if it's your client's brand name or better yet, a trademarked name.

That all depends on the name, if and when a TM was registered, if it existed before the name was registered, and if the name was truly registered in bad faith or can justifiably be used for another purpose. The OP hasn't really given enough details to answer any of these questions.

Bit presumptuous that it's a squatter unless you have some evidence to indicate this was the owner's motive. If that's the case then simply WIPO them and take the domain. This costs $1500 USD and takes two or three months for documents to be delivered and the arbitration.

Is the name in use? If so, what is it being used for? Does it compete with your client's business? Could it be seen as misleading to visitors? Is it a parking site? etc. etc.

As other have already stated, if you mail the email on the Whois the owner will most likely get it.

If you would like any additional help you can PM me.