buying copywritten content


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I'm starting a new site and writing some content for it. However, I'm toying with the idea of paying a pro copywriter for a small handful of pages, primarily so I can see how bad my copy is compared to theirs.

Got some questions though:

· Is there generally a minimum number of pages, or could I order one page?

· For a money site, how much should it cost for a 500-word, quality informational article which also gently nudges the reader toward the product that the site is built around?

· Would/could I also receive the sources of any references or research?

· What kind of brief would the copywriter need? Any examples of a good brief?

If anyone also wants to PM me samples of their work and price, I'd be happy to receive them.


I do believe all the answers to your questions can be found via the search feature on this very site! You may want to visit the content sub-forum...
Could you do the searches for me and then post the answers in this thread, thanks! I would normally do it but I'm kind of busy this week, and you do seem competent enough for the task. Overqualified, even.
I do believe all the answers to your questions can be found via the search feature on this very site! You may want to visit the content sub-forum...
wtf?! have you read the question? he's asking for suggestions not facts.

I'm starting a new site and writing some content for it. However, I'm toying with the idea of paying a pro copywriter for a small handful of pages, primarily so I can see how bad my copy is compared to theirs.
This will definitely save you tons of time buddy. But Choose carefully some will just give you tons of shit and better of you write for yourself. Contact someone here in WF that has reviews about article writing. The price will be higher but content is great!

If you are going to have a product to sell or an affiliate. Give the targesite to the the writer and have him do the article out of the site. That way the idea will never be lost

· Is there generally a minimum number of pages, or could I order one page?

Upto you here buddy, But when I order I order all of em so I'll get a discount

· For a money site, how much should it cost for a 500-word, quality informational article which also gently nudges the reader toward the product that the site is built around?
$5 minimum. If someone offers you a lesser price that's crap

· Would/could I also receive the sources of any references or research?
I believe yes but if you do this the price will go higher cause a writer never do a research for only 1 site. Most uses multiple sites so if you order in bulk the price will go up as well. All up to you buddy.

· What kind of brief would the copywriter need? Any examples of a good brief?

Goodluck hunting and if you find that writer your looking for stick to it and let him do the writing for all your future sites.
Time saved = More money :D
Thanks for the reply.

> What kind of brief would the copywriter need? Any examples of a good brief?
>> What??

By 'a brief', I mean what kind of information and instructions will a writer usually be expecting me to give them to guide the work?

Eg. Should I say whether a piece should be a review, comparison, informational, sales-copy, etc? Should I provide title suggestions? An outline of how each piece? Any brainstorming that I've done on the subject? Examples of competitor content? Or is it usual just give them some keywords and the niche/product, and accept whatever they hand back to me?

Thanks for the reply.

> What kind of brief would the copywriter need? Any examples of a good brief?
>> What??

By 'a brief', I mean what kind of information and instructions will a writer usually be expecting me to give them to guide the work?

Eg. Should I say whether a piece should be a review, comparison, informational, sales-copy, etc? Should I provide title suggestions? An outline of how each piece? Any brainstorming that I've done on the subject? Examples of competitor content? Or is it usual just give them some keywords and the niche/product, and accept whatever they hand back to me?


Ah yes bro Got it.
Instructions is a must bro at first. Tell them what you need and what you want out of the articles. If its a review site "compare and contrast" but ofcourse the final word must be directed to the product reffered. If its a sales pitch get him to the product page and rewrite the page. Generally your Idea.

For my articles what do to my new writers is instruct them like this

Article must have perfect grammar (a must - ofcourse :D)
Article must not use bullet points or anything a like.
End a sentence with a period instead of using commas. Avoid it whenever possible.
Use Paragraph style and 1 paragraph must be composed of 4 or more sentences.
Only use the target keyword once in the title, 4-6 x in the body and 2 in the last sentence (for links)

There are more but I already forgot since my writers are with me for the last 6 months. That instructions for my articles for Ezine and article directories. Adjust for your sites.

Just give them the typical instructions of what they have to avoid and what to follow. No brainstorming of any kind. Also get them to edit the article if you don't want it :D

Hope that helps out
I wouldn't really hire a copywrite if you are going to use them for an affiliate site, unless you are really sure that niche will convert well and that it's worth it..

A lot of copywriters don't accept 1 page work because they have to research stuff regarding your niche's demographics and it is not good ROI for them
NO worries buddy :D just shoot me a PM if you need help in your copywriting campaign :D I might not be able to provide you writers but I might give you some few tips :D

I got the writers from freelancer dot com.. but only 1 out of 10 writers stick to me with my rules and I have 6.. so overall I passed through 60 more or less writers :D A tip from freelancer. Don't offer $1.5/$2.5/$3.5 The real writers out there are paid $4 and above per article and are usually in a firm.

I wouldn't really hire a copywrite if you are going to use them for an affiliate site, unless you are really sure that niche will convert well and that it's worth it..

A lot of copywriters don't accept 1 page work because they have to research stuff regarding your niche's demographics and it is not good ROI for them

might be might be not. I hire my writers even for the affiliate site. Yes you must find them in dark waters.

But there's a catch. There are still times where I edit the articles because I want my personality taking in the article not just a silly shit loose in the middle of google. But usually the idea of the article and the sales is there and I only edit a few words and straight I post em.

Also for affiliate site I hire them to write 3 articles starting from preparation article. Mid post and final post. I usually get this as a package for around $20. And instead of writing this 2000 word order I just edit around 20-40 words for around 5 minutes. My time saved and I don't have to make a lot of research and brainstorming.

But all up to you Chianti. You choose, a lot of options will take you to your targets :D
