Buying bulk traffic

Virtual Web

Marketing Expert
Jun 11, 2012
Leeds, UK
Guys, i need some help here,

Im looking to buy high volume traffic for large client of mine, operating in the finance market.

The client have these three demands for the campaign:

1. Traffic must come in bulks, about 5,000 unique visitors a day, for four weeks campaigns.
2. Must be able to monitor by country ( geo targeted )
3. Traffic source must have the certification

Please let me know if we can work together.


Guys, i need some help here,

Im looking to buy high volume traffic for large client of mine, operating in the finance market.

The client have these three demands for the campaign:

1. Traffic must come in bulks, about 5,000 unique visitors a day, for four weeks campaigns.
2. Must be able to monitor by country ( geo targeted )
3. Traffic source must have the certification

Please let me know if we can work together.

what's the price and how long? PM sent!

PM me. I might have something for you.
He won't cause he can't, low post count brah. You should PM him
Isn't "buying traffic" waste of money? Especially, in bulk.

I understand PPC and paid media, but if you're talking about 50k "targeted visitors" for 10 bucks, then I don't know what's the use for that...