Buyer Backed out on Flippa during escrow, what are my rights?


3 what?!?
Aug 25, 2010
I recently sold a website on Flippa. It was my first experience both with flippa and with

After delivering the goods to the buyer, has a 7 day "inspection period". I had never heard of this before. During this period, the buyer decided that the time it took to maintain the site, the income it produced, and the problems with the server software were not to his liking, and he was backing out of the sale.

The problems with the server software he was talking about are that one of the modules was out of date and not updated by its owner, and he felt it is a security vulnerability. The module is a bridge that bridges phpbb forums with the wordpress CMS. The module could be removed and these separated if desired.

So, what are my rights here? We used the standard sample contract of sale with Flippa. As I understood it, once the buyer purchases a site on Flippa they are obligated to buy it so long as the seller delivers the site to them. Is that not true? Can they really back out at this late of a stage in the process?

There is nothing you can do except DDOS the guys sites and post negative reviews about him. Snail mailing a template legal threat ( may also be worth a shot.