
learning shit
Oct 1, 2009
I registered this one the same day when Apple first came out with the iPad.

The original idea was to post ebay auctions selling Ipads and then make money off that but I never really finished the site.

I know this thread is a few days old, but I will give my insight on it...

I am ALWAYS leery about registering trademarks such as this. Even if it has the biggest potential to make money, Apple could take that all away from you by suing you and just straight up ruining your life. My thoughts would be to get rid of it fast to someone who doesn't seem to care about trademarks (off shore people for instance) see if you can get some decent money out of it.

Those are only my thoughts, I am sure my thoughts are much different then someone elses. But I honestly try to avoid trademarks at all costs... It just isn't worth it to me.
a good name for a contest site for ipads , you see a lot of sites advertising about winning a ipad put up some content get one of those flashy ads , ask visitors to enter there info to win bingo you have a great email list for interested ipad fans and plus you make advertising money.
Not sure about how much its worth buy will do good with sme little seo.