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There more content writers here then there are rats in the underground! So I try and provide content with a twist!

The Twist

If content is king, the emperor is marketing and a part of marketing is links. Gaining links comes in many forms and one such is from article directories.

So in an attempt to make your AD link building THAT much easier my content will be written in spinner syntax. (an example is below).


Original (cut short due to post limit)

What is a windscreen chip? and why should repair it?

A Windscreen usually gets chipped or cracked by an impact from a stone or other debris hitting the windscreen while the vehicle is being driven.
This can be a problem as the Windscreen Chip could turn into a crack at any time, and could cause a safety risk if it happens while your driving.
Further the passenger airbag relies on support from the windscreen if deployed and is responsible for 30% of the cars structural integrity.
Types of Windscreen Chips

Windscreen chips can take up several forms such as:
‘Bulls eye’ – a circular indentation,
‘Star break’ – small cracks radiating out in all directions,
Other combinations of the above with names such as, ‘cloverleaf’, ‘beeswing’, ‘half moon’
Spin Ready

{A {Windscreen|Windshield} {usually|normally} gets {chipped|nicked} or cracked {by an|from a|because of a} impact from a {stone|rock} or {other|another|some other} {debris|rubble|junk} {hitting|striking|colliding with|bumping off} the {Windscreen|Windshield} while the {vehicle|car} is being driven.|There are {a number of|numerous} ways a {windscreen|windshield} can get chipped or cracked. The most {common|frequent} of which is from an impact to the windscreen from a {stone|rock} or {other|another|some other} {debris|rubble|junk} {hitting|striking|colliding with|bumping off} the {Windscreen|Windshield} while the {vehicle|car} is being driven. }

{This can be {a problem|problamatic|cause for concern|} as the {Windscreen|Windshield} Chip could {turn|grow|become} into a crack {at any time|very quickly|}, and could {cause|create|result in} a safety {risk|hazard} if it {happens|occurs|materializes|takes place|comes about|haps} while {your|you're|you are|} driving. Not to mention the greater costs for repairs that it would lead to. |Now due to the {windscreen|windshield} chip {present|existing|being} on the {windscreen|windshield} there is a {risk|chance|danger} of it forming into a crack {at any time|very quickly|}, and could {cause|create|result in} a safety {risk|hazard} if it {happens|occurs|materializes|takes place|comes about|haps} while {your|you're|you are|} driving. Not to mention the greater costs for repairs that it would lead to.|}

{{Further|Also|You should also keep in mind that} the passenger airbag relies on {support|backup|reinforcement} from the {Windscreen|Windshield} if deployed and is responsible for 30% of the cars structural integrity.|The {windscreens|windshields} {role|purpose|function} is also to provide {support|backup|reinforcement} for the passenger airbag and is responsiable for up to 30% of the cars structural integrity in a crash. So a chip in the {windscreen|windshield} can have disastrous consequences.}

Types of {Windscreen|Windshield} Chips

{{Windscreen|Windshield} chips can take up {several|different|various|diverse|assorted|variant} forms such as:|There are a number of {different|various} types of {windscreen|windshield} chips such as:|There is no one type of {windscreen|windshield} chip; they can come in {many different|diverse|assorted|several} types such as:}

{‘Bulls eye’|The 'Bulls eye'|The most common one being the ' Bulles eye'} – {a|which is a|this usually takes the shape of a} {circular|round|rotary|spherical|apple-shaped|ball-shaped|disk-shaped|disc-shaped|disc-shaped|wheel-like} {indentation|indent},
{‘Star break’|A 'Star break' chip|Another is the 'Star break'|The second most common is the 'Star break'} – {small|this is a small|this presents itself as} {cracks|fissures} {radiating|branching|diverging} out in all directions,
{Other combinations of the above with names such as|There are others which are a combination of the two and have names such as:|Other less common ones include:}, ‘cloverleaf’, ‘beeswing’, ‘half moon’

What {factors|elements|elements|components|agents} {increase|add to} the risk of {Windscreen|Windshield} chips and cracks?

{As {Windscreen|Windshield} size {increases|grows|gets bigger} so does the risk of chips {due to|because of} {the|a} {larger|big|large|large|greater|bigger|wider} surface area.|The {larger|greater|bigger} the size of the {windscreen|windshield} the {greater the|more the} risk that a {windscreen|windshield} chip may occur as the resulting {larger|big|large|large|greater|bigger|wider} surface area provides a larger 'target area' for debris.|}

{{More ‘complex’ {windscreens|windshields}|} may have certain stress points that if {struck|hit} can {cause|result in} chips and cracks.|The more complex a {windscreens|windshields} is the greater the likely hood is that it will have certain stress points that if {struck|hit} can {cause|result in} chips and cracks.}

{A car on a ‘loose’ or busy road is more {susceptible|vulnerable|predisposed} to get {struck|hit} by {debris|rubble|junk} that {may|could} cause damage.|One other cause of {windscreen|windshield} chips or cracks is when you are driving on a 'loose' or recently regraveled {road|route}, the loose {debris|rubble|junk} {present|there|on the road} {may|could} cause damage to the {windscreen|windshield} if you are {travelling|moving|going} at high speeds.}

{Speed and number of miles driven also can {contribute|add} to the amount of damage that may occur if your {Windscreen|Windshield} is struck by {debris|rubble|junk}.|Depending on {how fast|your speed} and how far you are travelling or have travelled {could also effect |plays a part on |}the damage that occurs when a {windscreen|windshield} chip occurs.|The faster you travel the greater the damage that is cause if {debris|rubble|junk} hits the car {windscreen|windshield}.}

{{Also|Likewise} further shock, vibration, extremes of temperature (such as turning the air-conditioning on full on a {scorching|very} hot day), driving time or {factors|other factors|other things|other points} such as frost, dirt and moisture getting {inside |in to}a chip can all {contribute in|add} to making the {Windscreen|Windshield} chip in to a crack.|Other factors such as: Vibrations, Extremes of tempreture, Time you have been driving and frost/dirt/moisture getting {in to |inside }a chip can all {contribute in|add} to making the {Windscreen|Windshield} chip in to a crack.|}

{{Glass|Glass itself|The Glass in a windscreen } has no {inherent|internal|underlying|integral|built-in|intrinsic|inbuilt} strength and {therefore|so|thus} no {ability|power} to resist outside {factors|elements|components}.} Once a chip or crack {appears|}, {external|outside|foreign|extrinsic} {stressors|factors}, such as heat, vibration or movement are {likely|probably|potentially going} to cause it to {expand|broaden|enlarge|widen|spread out} adding to the damage done.

{Other issues|Other Problems that may occur|More damage that may occur}

{{A chip in a {Windscreen|Windshield} may|It is not just the strength of the {windscreen|windshield} that is effected by a {chip|chip or crack} but it may also } cause damage to the rubber of the {vehicle|car}’s {Windscreen|Windshield} wiper blades if left {unrepaired|unserviced}.|}

It may also {result in|lead to} your car {failing|not passing} your MOT. There are clear rules about what must be {repaired|fixed|rectified} in different parts of your {Windscreen|Windshield}, {particularly|in particular|especially|specially} the part that is swept by your {Windscreen|Windshield} wipers.

{Remember|Things to note|Things to remember}

* If a chip is in the drivers line of {vision|sight}, it only has to be {bigger|greater|wider|larger} than 10mm for your {Windscreen|Windshield} to fail its MOT.
* The MOT testers manual says “any damage not contained within a circle of 10mm” so a cluster of minor damage could also fail

What can I do?

{{There are a {number|amount|huge amount} of DIY {kits|packs} about, {however|nonetheless|nonetheless|nevertheless|yet}|You can always pick up a DIY kit and repair the {windscreen|windshield} yourself however} {usually|normally|ordinarily|commonly} if you have fully comprehensive insurance, this is covered and {normally||ordinarily|usually} you do not have to pay any ‘waive’ fee or lose your no claim bonus. But make sure with your insurance company!}

{Or|Alternatively} feel free to have a look though our emerging {list of| list containing}{Windscreen| Windshield} Repair Services in your area or look into {windshield|windscreen} replacement cost.
Why should I write for you?

I'll be brief -

- Examples of work can be see on The Nexus
- A Level English Lit
- LLB Law
- LPC Post Grad

The Nitty Gritty

$3/100 (This is for the original article max of 500)
Uniqueness = Min 20% (though the average ranges from 20-30%)
ETA = 3days (a truly great article takes time to write and further time to spin)
What I will need = A Specific area to write in / Keywords
Review Copies = 2
What you will get = 1 Original article; 1 Spin syntax version of said article; XXX Number of ready spun article in .txt form for you to use (optional)

Due to my commitment with legal aid work getting bigger I will be unable to continue this, thanks for the people who show'd interest
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