Bulk Keyword Upload Help?

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New member
Apr 10, 2007
Hiya all,

I have been trying to run a new campaign with both G and MSN and am having difficulty in entering my bulk keyword list (including broad, phrase and exact, annnnnd misspelled keywords)

I am talking in excess of 50,000 keywords for a very very well defined niche product of which has well over 5k search volume per month (combined from my research and estimates).

So yeah there is a few keywords, in fact my facking pc freaked out like a grampa on meth and froze up while creating copying pasting etc etc.

What I would like to know is how do you boys (& Girls) upload huge keyword volumes to your ppc accounts?

I am getting pretty good conversions atm 25% CTR and 20% Sale conversion with the basic 100 keyword lists but feel im missing out on a huge amount of traffic from the semi-illiterate population.

Thanks to a few threads here via the use of tools such as seobooks misspelled ingine and mikes keyword wrapper i have managed to compile a good list. But the hard part seems implementing it.

Would any one reccomend creating seperate ad groups for a break up keywords to see which ones preform better????

Any ways any ideas would be well valued.

Cheers all.


I use the Adwords Editor to Bulk upload to Google. Like highlifelight said, spend time to break up the keywords so then you can put similar keywords in the same adgroups. Additionally, concentrate on getting the highest possible quality score for your keywords.
Bulk keyword Uploads

Yeah I knew that would be the way, just thought there might be a way to save time but saving time does not lead to valuable analytics does it. I just DL'd Adwords editer and going to wrap myself around using that for now.

I gotta say im having hard time getting to sleep after a hard session analyzing and thinking of new ideas then trying to implementing them.

Cheers guys ill let ya know how it goes in comparison to my original campaign with no misspells.


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