Bulk Google Cache Checker Tool - Simply Amazing

Hi BBleo,

Thanks mate for new site. Its very useful for me to check my blog commenting pages whether my links have been indexed or not. As it offers bulk checking facility, so very useful for me.

You can check weather your links got indexed in google (cached) or not.
Its very simple tool with very small but helpful feature.

See, now this is innovation people. You can check the weather *and* your links all in one easy to use website.

Thanks for this.
See, now this is innovation people. You can check the weather *and* your links all in one easy to use website.

I agree, you may develop other datas, but great idea :)
Hi everybody!

I just made site for Bulk Google Cache Date Checker tool.


You can check weather your links got indexed in google (cached) or not.
Its very simple tool with very small but helpful feature.

Hope you people will find it useful. Your comments would be appreciating.

Hi BBleo,

Thanks mate for new site. Its very useful for me to check my blog commenting pages whether my links have been indexed or not. As it offers bulk checking facility, so very useful for me.


Odds of these two posters being different people....

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Thats a nice little tracker you're using on this. What are you doing with the data your harvesting from WF's members?
See, now this is innovation people. You can check the weather *and* your links all in one easy to use website.

Thanks for this.

Check my links, check the weather, and give my sites to some asshat? This service is so good I'd pay for it!
Odds of these two posters being different people....


you've posted this a few times before, and I just now got it. fucking subzero. Before, I thought you just really liked Mortal Kombat. But now, I see it's simply a further display of your love for puns. I applaud you my friend.

So, who wants to steal my niches first?
you've posted this a few times before, and I just now got it. fucking subzero. Before, I thought you just really liked Mortal Kombat. But now, I see it's simply a further display of your love for puns. I applaud you my friend.

I'm pretty sure I only posted it once, here in this thread (maybe it seems more cause of bumps?), it didn't garner a response so I figured nobody got it :D
So this post has been bugging. I find it very curious the similiarities of the 1st 2 posters BBLEO & GITTAR1122

1. Accounts Setup around same time
2. Both of you happen to have complimentary services.
3. You both managed to show up in each others sales pages. My favorites are below
& when the first customer Gittar had was his good friend BBLEO http://www.wickedfire.com/links-seo...y-linkbuilding-pr4-7-reviews-available-8.html

How come the whois of both your sites shows up as being registered within 2 days of each other? Looks like you guys are such good friends that you even share the same name servers on your hosting accounts. Is there not enough room in the Sig lines in one WF account? I could be wrong and if so I apologize in advance, maybe you guys could shed a little light on whats going on here.