Building a dedicated AF computer, advice sought...what the hell, boobies too!

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Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
So I've decided to build a dedicated box just for my internet ventures. Partially because photoshop/dreamweaver is dragging on my current machine and partially because having my gaming/masturbating rig also serve as my work machine impacts my productivity. So I was curious as the the setup of other AMers. Basically specs and whatnot. Any reccomendations or must haves?





Oh, how we love you.

Multi-core with lots of HD space (make sure they're 10K drives) and RAM. You'll likely have web apps + PS + music playing at any given time, so you'll want a machine that won't chug whenever you want to multitask.

Also, get a vid card that supports multiple monitors. Switching to two, then four, monitors was the best thing I ever did.
Thanks yoink. Didn't even consider the multiple monitor aspect.

Another concern of mine is redundancy. I was thinking about getting a 1TB external hard drive. Anyone else do this?
Yep, I got a 1TB external, using it for a periodic backup.
Pruning the backup to the most necessary (+system, +dev, +important files, -porn) also prooves that 1TB is way too much space.

Partially because photoshop/dreamweaver is dragging on my current machine and partially because having my gaming/masturbating rig also serve as my work machine impacts my productivity.

Your masterbating is probably affecting your productivity more than your computer.

You can do AM on a slug. Get a nuclear powered rig and you'll probably still only masturbate.
Your masterbating is probably affecting your productivity more than your computer.

You can do AM on a slug. Get a nuclear powered rig and you'll probably still only masturbate.

Q For the mutha fucking T.
The real question is which computer would you use to browse wickedfire?

You can get some good deals on workstations through dell's small biz website at the moment just be sure to buy memory upgrades from newegg or whatever.
I do my AM on a laptop, serves me just fucking fine.

Laptop + USB drive = fine!
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