build keywords the freakin smart way

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Nice, although I've been using this, which I saw a link to here in another thread somewhere...

OverZone Software - PPC Keyword Generator

It's a standalone program you install, but the nice thing is you can save your lists to play with again later, and it can combine up to 4 columns, with no limit as to length.

The only problem with using these things is that it becomes very easy to generate lists of far more than 2000 keywords, and then you have to figure out how to split them up to get them into google.
The only problem with using these things is that it becomes very easy to generate lists of far more than 2000 keywords, and then you have to figure out how to split them up to get them into google.

adwords editor helps me speed things up a lot for getting stuff into my account quick, it especially helps put keywords into phrase and exact match easy. then i just use excel to count the ad group keyword limit(200 i think).
has anyone tried the tool from hitwise? .. wonder if it's any good.
very useful, incase you haven't stumbled upon something like this already, here it is:

Keyword Linker

useful indeed.

but simple permutation has its limits when used for keywordlist production.

so, here is a link that has some progs that produce factorial arrangements in seconds: Software: Mathematics, statistics, probability, odds, algorithms

and if anyone asks what this page has to do with keyword lists then i do not care, because it just shows that i have a slight advantage at hands ;)
lol dude that page killed my eyes

heheh :) just give this a try: PermuteCombine.exe. Then try the arrangement-function and i bet you will see the usefullness.

this goes as well for all people who always had the problem of having to form "4 word"-sentences out of like 10 keywords.

Beware though, this is a DOS prog ;)
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