Brittany Murphy Dies, Age 32.

Infinite Keith

goes on forever.
Jan 19, 2009
0.000000, 0.000000

According to TMZ she died a little while ago, though no one knows how yet. (Drugs!)

Brittany Murphy Dies |

To bad too, in another 8 years I'd have put her on my Chicks Over 40 list. :sadcrying4:

Holy shit!

edit: It's not even on cnn yet that I can find. Of course it's already a trending topic on twitter. Say what you want about that that site but it's the first place to go to get current news.
Damn, I just watched her latest movie "Megafault"
a couple days ago. Horrible movie and she looked
like shit. It took awhile before I realized it was her.
Super skinny. My guess either coke or eating disorder.
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Cardiac arrest. She must have been browsing the Wagenheim photoshop contest thread and couldn't handle it
Wasn't her husband sick about a month ago, and she didn't want him evaluated...saying it was just asthma? Suspicious to me...

Nothing against the girl personally, but my own guess would be drugs. She's looked a little weird lately.
She doesn't look like herself in that pic - she has trout pout. I haven't seen this confirmed at the LAT, CNN or other reliable news sources.
That's a shame. One of my favourite actresses. Also had an amazing singing voice -- watch Happy Feet sometime. Stupid movie but she sang her character's parts and was awesome.)
