Britnet Spears a CIA Op? LOL

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Nov 8, 2006
This lady is crazy, i think its funny, below is her blog post, no link power for her on this


I think Britney Spears is a CIA operative.

Same goes for Anna Nicole Smith.
They must be because they do a damned fine job of distracting the American public from getting any real news.
George W. Bush must get down on his knees every night (after he sips his hot cocoa and puts on his ‘jammies) and thank his God for Brittany Spears! Without her we would all be asking a lot of really hard questions of him and his cronies. Questions they don’t want to answer.
It is a national disgrace that we are so taken in by junk news that we forget to ask real questions about what is going on in our messed up world.
We are too busy looking at pictures of Britney’s nasty snatch and watching TV news discussions with the “experts” on why she shaved her head and what her next stupid tattoo will be… Really… I saw it on the Today show!
This in my opinion is normal for 14 year olds and just plain stupid of us so called adults.
Our government needs Britney for if we were all more informed we would probably be asking a lot more questions. If you think about it, Britney is the ultimate patriot, sacrificing the sanity of her life so that the wheels of progress can keep moving smoothly.
Well I’m not so taken with Britney and I do have some questions…
How does the Iraqi resistance get so many bombs and cars? Not to mention suicide bombers! Everyday for the past five years there is a bombing or two or three. That is a minimum of 1800 cars, bombs and suicides. The number is probably double that! Just in the capital alone!
That’s a lot of cars for a bunch of people who we have been lead to believe live in the dirt, and hide in the caves of Afghanistan! What do cars cost over there? I bet a lot more in relation to the average income, than they do here. The Iraqi people have an average in come of about $2100. So where is car and bomb buying money coming from?
These terrorists live in a world where fuel for your car is so scarce you might have to wait a whole day to get a tank full of gasoline. I wonder how they get the gas to do their dirty deeds every fucking day. Day after, day, after day…. That’s a lot of gas smuggling! Why doesn’t someone notice all of these people walking around with gas cans?
How do they smuggle all of that into a locked down war zone when we have a satellite spy system that can read how much money you have in your wallet? And why are we letting all of this crazy making go on if there really is a war on terror? Can the terrorists really be that sneaky? Or are we allowing it?
And why in the hell are they doing that to each other? Why are they waging civil war when they are angry about American occupation? Why aren’t they getting together and ganging up on us instead? Are they really that stupid?
Have you ever wondered why we only ever get reports on the how many soldiers have been killed? Why no one tells us about the 65,000 or so (13,000 women & children) civilians killed by allied forces? The averaged total death toll connected to war in Iraq every day is 36 people.
How fast would your town empty out if that was happening to you? There are only 23,500 people in the town I live in. We would all be gone in 2 years.
Why is there no accountability after the 911 commission report? 3000 people lost their lives because of admitted government incompetence and we all just shrug our shoulders and look away? All they have to do is say they are sorry and it’s ok? If I accidentally killed one person would that sort of thinking apply?
Why are there no rebuttals to the 911 conspiracy videos? Why is it, half of us Americans believed it was all a set-up and still nothing happens?
We are supposed to just forget that so many of the so called terrorists from 911 are being found alive and well serving in the American Armed forces? Not ask why there was very little, if any airline wreckage in the pictures of both the pentagon and the crash site in Pennsylvania?
We never did find out how anthrax got mailed to government offices. It happened, it faded away… Why? The anthrax scare killed a business I spent 2 years developing. I immagine I’m not the only one who was affected by it… 6+ years later and still no answers.
Why? Why? Why?
Really, think about it, why don’t you ask the important questions? Are you too busy wondering why Britney Spears seems to be spinning out of control and who fathered Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter?
Of course you are! It’s front page news!
Mean while, our President’s wacko 2008 national budget that offers hundreds of billions in tax cuts to the Americas wealthiest and is at the same time cutting billions from Medicaid and Education, came out and no one noticed.
Wake-up America!
Turn off the TV people! Read! Think! Ask!

This is from

kitakazoo. com /2007 /02 /22 /i-think-britney-spears-is-a-cia-operative /

Even left wing extremists should be embarrassed of people like this. Seriously, what a moron.

So the U.S. government is "smart" enough to enlist Britney-fucking-Spears and Anna N. Smith to distract its citizens from the war in Iraq? Wow. I'll bet they have to be pretty convincing to influence a dumb pop queen worth ~150 million to go ballistic and mar her reputation and they may have had to be even MORE convincing to get Anna N. Smith to die...

Whatever your politics, anyone that takes this fat heifer seriously should kill themselves in the slowest, most painful way possible. Some people shouldn't be allowed on the "series of tubes" that is the interwebnets.
Actually, I was talking to a friend about this yesterday (not that Britney is a CIA Op or whatever stupid link baiting) but what was on the news yesterday morning.

I was watching one of the 3 cable news networks, and it went from an Anna Nicole story to a baby tiger playing with a monkey to a commercial and then came back to a story about Britney. Fuck! I had to turn it off at that point.

The thing is, the more the mass media does this stuff, the more the internet gains power and opportunity. Everytime the news isn't what I want it to be, I go online and find the news I actually want.
Call me a liberal but I imagine whoever wrote this was sarcastically pointing out that it is odd that the "liberal media" would be giving such excessive and comprehensive coverage to Anna Nicole and Britney yet practically turn a blind eye to some of the more colorful things the Bush administration has been up to.

nice post
Not necessary buying into this crap... but:

The right of congress to debate the USA PATRIOT Act was withdrawn the day Sadam was captured. That particular piece of legislation also included some extra powers which are just as unconstitutional as the rest of the act.

Spectatular/riveting news does give gov't an opening to slip in shady legislation.

I find it odd that people are always condemning business leaders for underhanded practices when the gov't is the biggest thief/bully/extortionist on the block --- ever.
The thing is, the more the mass media does this stuff, the more the internet gains power and opportunity. Everytime the news isn't what I want it to be, I go online and find the news I actually want.

couldn't agree with you more

the media is all about pseudo choice
The thing is, the more the mass media does this stuff, the more the internet gains power and opportunity. Everytime the news isn't what I want it to be, I go online and find the news I actually want.

i get about 95% of my news from the web with 5% radio. heck visiting drudgereport a few times a day basically tells me everything i want to know and then some. drudge is helping kill the old media. plus there are conservative sites and liberal sites if we want our news stories slanted to our viewpoint :) in case people don't know the power of drudge, below are his stats from tonite. also mainstream media visits drudge obsessively looking for stories to run for themselves. it's kinda a joke within those companies.

016,613,207 IN PAST 24 HOURS
436,251,712 IN PAST 31 DAYS
4,228,388,487 IN PAST YEAR
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