Bridge Pages and the Google Slap

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I just heard on a webinar an hour ago that Google has been slapping sites that (she said it both ways so I am confused) either are or are not using bridge pages.

Has anyone had any experience with this? In other words do you want to take your visitor from one page to the next page before you send them to the offer? Kind of confusing if you ask me?

Heard this worked very well previously but now is getting slapped.

Yeah it's been a long time since they started slapping those types of pages. Basically, they don't want just "thin" one-page sites that do nothing but basically forward the visitor onto another through an affiliate link.

They want to see more of a site, that has an About page, a Privacy Policy Page, a Contact page, and preferably more interlinked pages of actual unique content.

Set up a Wordpress blog and interlink it with your landing page and you'll be fine.
Thanks Images and Words that helps clarify things for me. I thought what you said has been a given for a long time. I didn't know that people still use sites without those supplemental important pages or sites with only a few pages.

I thought that quit working over a year ago.

Thanks for the tip about interlinking a blog with a landing page.
They still will slap you. Just yesterday one campaigns of mine got slapped. It was running fine for months. It's not only about privacy policy page and stuff.

Though I wonder how they figured it out. It must have been a manual review or somebody who reported it.
I avoid using words like free and trial so my LP should pass automatic scans

Hint: if you really need to make use of such words: insert small images with this text!
They don't like zip submits or rebills. Even if you were wikipedia advertising one of those offers they'd slap you.
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