Breaking Bad season 4 online anywhere?


New member
Feb 7, 2012
Its not for sale yet and I NEED to watch this soon. Does anybody know where I can watch it?

This guy has two posts, and three link have already been posted none going to DR? ...STS has been slacking.
stop looking at the laptops you fucking nerd.

l-laptops? laptops? I asked for booty, not laptops. Let me explain the difference:

-booty has two luscious globes, a laptop has many flat keys
-booty doesn't give you radiation poisoning, can't explode on your lap (you -explode on the booty)
-booties do a better job of acting as a bouncing surface
-booties double as a musical percussion instrument, laptops aren't as effective

some similarities:

-both booty and laptops are mobile
-you can spank a booty and laptop
-both are relatively warm
-you can open and close booties and laptops

Hope this clarifies things for you, cougarvirgin

your cougarmom has her cougarclaws around my cougarcock

lol but seriously, you're a virgin