Brazil futbol mutilation

This is why these fuckers (read:the vast majority of the world's countries) need more than one sport. Adopt and popularize American sports - give them the money if they need it - and maybe, just maybe they'll wake up one day and realize they've been panty-bunching over one of the lamest sports imaginable.
Point is, if soccer-loving countries had fan attention divided between different sports, hooliganism, riots, and decapitations (lolz) would mostly be a thing of the past.
Lol we have hands for reasons other than stabbings and quarterings. You fap with your hands, you eat with your hands, play a damn sport with your hands. It *can* be done.
@BoFaggoty: Why 4 posts to make one incredibly retarded point? Why not finish your fucking thoughts first before keying it up, douche?
I was asking myself why the referee was carrying a knife in the first place until I read how the guy's family rushed and killed him during his last game. Now I understand.
the sport that has the most watched televsion event in the world

the FIFA World Cup and the Summer Olympics are by far the two most-watched sporting events, with the UEFA European Championships ranked third. There's then quite a large gap to…the FIA Formula One World Championship, NFL Super Bowl and the IOC Winter Olympics.”

Game theory archive | September 2011 | The Economist

Point is, if soccer-loving countries had fan attention divided between different sports, hooliganism, riots, and decapitations (lolz) would mostly be a thing of the past.

Basketball and MMA are popular in Brazil.

Baseball, rugby and cricket are three sports that are popular in various soccer-loving countries. About 30% of MLB players are from outside the USA.