Bounce Rate Question?

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
If you visit a site and they have a form on their index page that you fill out and then submit, and the site submits the form and brings you back to the index page, is that counted as leaving the page?

I have a bunch of sites that I setup like this, but I'm wondering if my bounce rate is going to be way higher.

What if you set something up so after the form is submitted it would bring you to like index.php?page=success? That would be counted as leaving the index page, right?

dunno.. that sounds like it would be a page refresh... not sure if a refresh counts as leaving the page tho :)
I don't know, but if your submit the forum and the user is still on the homepage then that is just another page view for the same page, so a refresh really.

If you do it so that you do it as you mentioned: index.php?page=success that will not make a bounce as it is just another page to the stats software even though it will show the same information. It is also another page for the search engines, which will mean to pages the same.
I don't know, but if your submit the forum and the user is still on the homepage then that is just another page view for the same page, so a refresh really.

If you do it so that you do it as you mentioned: index.php?page=success that will not make a bounce as it is just another page to the stats software even though it will show the same information. It is also another page for the search engines, which will mean to pages the same.

Bounce Rate isn't much of a factor and to put this much thinking into it is probably going to cause you more headaches then anything else, but if your that concerned with forms try using AJAX.
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