Bought a server, would rather have rackmount PC


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So here's the deal. Some of you may remember that i bought a server. For some naive ass reason I thought it was going to be short depth like the rest of my rackmount music equipment. It was super deep, like 6 times as deep as everything else. That's issue one. It's not that big of a deal, but it is inconvenient in my plans of building a rack into my desk.

Second off, my naive ass didn't realize how unbelievably loud this thing is. My lady hasn't complained, but I know neither of us enjoy hearing that thing hum 24/7. But how else can I run MegaPinger, Scrapebox, and Bookmarking Demon all day? I want to add ProxyGoblin (if it works well. Having issues with ProxyFinder!) and Xrumer to the mix. ANYWAYS...

I would rather have a quieter short depth rackmount PC. And I don't want to buy a chassiss and build one. I want a complete package. And the problem is, I have no idea where to find one online. I've looked and keep finding vague crap and industrial military grade ones. I just want a basic PC, preferably used or refurbished. I've tried NewEgg, Geeks, and my usuals. I'm lost.

Can anyone show me where to find this?

Why not just pay monthly for a windows box from your host of choice?

What kind of bandwidth do you have at home? I personally would not want to be running all of that on my ATT home internet.

And what issues are you having with proxyfinder? Works great for me, you just need to add more sources...which can be found here at WF.
toss it in a closet with some soundproofing on the back of the door. Make sure you ventilate well or else you'll burn your house down, but otherwise should work well
I know it works well. I have been tearing it up. I don't want to run it in a closet. I want to slap it in the rack near everything else.

I also added a ton of proxy sources I found with scrapebox and applied the tcp/ip patch as well. It won't find more than 40 regardless of the settings I put on there but scrapebox will find 500 plus at the same settings. I need to find the additional sources here you mention though for sure.

I am running it all on my regular comcast high speed. I am thinking about getting a second line and renting proxies. Comcast hasn't bitched yet. But it does annoy me that it slows down the net while I'm doin other stuff

I'm set on getting the PC. Anyone know where?
Sorry, but this happens to everyone who sees a server for the first time.

Yes, those things are LOUD, and HUGE.

For home use, not recommended.
You can probably get it into a rackspace somewhere.

I know it works well. I have been tearing it up. I don't want to run it in a closet. I want to slap it in the rack near everything else.

I also added a ton of proxy sources I found with scrapebox and applied the tcp/ip patch as well. It won't find more than 40 regardless of the settings I put on there but scrapebox will find 500 plus at the same settings. I need to find the additional sources here you mention though for sure.

I am running it all on my regular comcast high speed. I am thinking about getting a second line and renting proxies. Comcast hasn't bitched yet. But it does annoy me that it slows down the net while I'm doin other stuff

I'm set on getting the PC. Anyone know where?

Like someone already mentioned, why not just go with leasing a server with a good host instead of doing this on your home connection?
I also added a ton of proxy sources I found with scrapebox and applied the tcp/ip patch as well. It won't find more than 40 regardless of the settings I put on there but scrapebox will find 500 plus at the same settings. I need to find the additional sources here you mention though for sure.

Here's a proxy sources list by loopline in case it's something that can help you.
Like someone already mentioned, why not just go with leasing a server with a good host instead of doing this on your home connection?

Because I am able to do it without issue from home without an additional monthly fee. I know I said I would tack on an extra line later, but that is fantasy. At this point I've had no problem and don't envision one. It saves money
Sorry, but this happens to everyone who sees a server for the first time.

Yes, those things are LOUD, and HUGE.

For home use, not recommended.
You can probably get it into a rackspace somewhere.


Yeah, I thought my old desktop was bad with 6 loud cooling fans but it ain't nothing compared to when I took a proper server home.

Anyway, I'm with these guys. It sounds like your a gear slut so I can understand the appeal of having your own server infront of you but really, rental ftw.
Why did you buy a full blown rackmount server for simple SEO tools? I mean sure they are somewhat resource heavy but your connection is what you really need.

You probably could have saved money and just built a decent i7 machine with 12-16GB of ram and would work just as well + way smaller + way quieter.

Why did you buy a full blown rackmount server for simple SEO tools? I mean sure they are somewhat resource heavy but your connection is what you really need.

You probably could have saved money and just built a decent i7 machine with 12-16GB of ram and would work just as well + way smaller + way quieter.


The server was refurbished for less than $90. I have a buyer who will give me $100. I make $10.

I would rather just build a machine and run it at home. But I keep asking about rackmount computers and nobody has offered any answer and my searching just keeps showing me a bunch of chassiss with no internals. I really just want a ready made rackmount computer, preferably used and cheap. If anyone knows about it, I'm still interested. But I agree. It's the line I'm concerned about. I don't want to rent another line to the house at this point, but I'm bogging down the main one enough to warrant that or renting a server.

So I've entertained everyone's suggestion and looked at some VPS threads on here and found a general consensus...

WiredTree - Managed Dedicated Servers | Managed VPS Hosting | Fully Managed Web Hosting - cheapest around $50/m
Linode - Xen VPS Hosting - cheapest around $20/m
BurstNET® - A World-Wide Leader in Web Hosting & Internet Solutions - cheapest around $6/m
Heard of LiquidWeb highly recommended too but most expensive so i didn't even look. Not that crucial yet.

If you guys told me the cheap ass six bucks a month one would do the job I'd hop right on it. My main goal is to run a couple of instances of Scrapebox as much as possible, schedule up a ton of Bookmarking Demon runs, and eventually run some article marketing and even Xrumer at some point. I want to get the whole shebang going. Is this possible on an isolated home cable line? I'm thinking I should probably go the server route. But I'd even still pick up the PC and run slow blasts over night at home with Scrapebox.

Otherwise I'd like to just buy a rackmount PC and get another internet line run out here.
Sounds like you're not really sure what you want, and you want someone else to make your decision for you.
Comcast residential has a 250GB/month bandwidth cap, might want to see how much you're using before your get kicked off, or might want to upgrade to business class.
Lol this reminds me of when I first set up in the IT business 10 years ago. There was no broadband, and hosted space was very expensive, so I set up a homemade rack with an old Compaq 5500 down in my basement office, connected to the outside world via ISDN.

That thing was so damn loud, we nicknamed it "Bertha". Even though we lived in a big house made of solid brick and stone, you could hear the fucking thing hum all the way up to the attic.

Inb4 Cool Story Bro, but thanks for the memory. Those were happy times, it was my first business, charging people a whopping $500 a day to fix PCs when all my friends were lucky to make $6 an hour doing bar work. :D

Rather you than me nowadays though - I'm glad to have just a laptop in the house now.
The server was refurbished for less than $90. I have a buyer who will give me $100. I make $10.

I would rather just build a machine and run it at home. But I keep asking about rackmount computers and nobody has offered any answer and my searching just keeps showing me a bunch of chassiss with no internals. I really just want a ready made rackmount computer, preferably used and cheap. If anyone knows about it, I'm still interested. But I agree. It's the line I'm concerned about. I don't want to rent another line to the house at this point, but I'm bogging down the main one enough to warrant that or renting a server.

So I've entertained everyone's suggestion and looked at some VPS threads on here and found a general consensus...

WiredTree - Managed Dedicated Servers | Managed VPS Hosting | Fully Managed Web Hosting - cheapest around $50/m
Linode - Xen VPS Hosting - cheapest around $20/m
BurstNET® - A World-Wide Leader in Web Hosting & Internet Solutions - cheapest around $6/m
Heard of LiquidWeb highly recommended too but most expensive so i didn't even look. Not that crucial yet.

If you guys told me the cheap ass six bucks a month one would do the job I'd hop right on it. My main goal is to run a couple of instances of Scrapebox as much as possible, schedule up a ton of Bookmarking Demon runs, and eventually run some article marketing and even Xrumer at some point. I want to get the whole shebang going. Is this possible on an isolated home cable line? I'm thinking I should probably go the server route. But I'd even still pick up the PC and run slow blasts over night at home with Scrapebox.

Otherwise I'd like to just buy a rackmount PC and get another internet line run out here.

Well it deff sounds like you're not serious about your business so you might as well go get a job at Micky D's.

They will tell you exactly what to do, so no worries there.
I know you said you want something ready-made, but seriously, just build one. It's really easy to throw some internals into a short-depth rack mount case.

Most of the cheap used servers out there will be commercial grade, which means loud, heavy, and huge. I had a full 42U rack in my freshman dorm in college, and it wasn't pleasant. There was a Dell Poweredge, which was by far the loudest. Our home-made rack mount server was fairly quiet with manageable depth. The only commercial server we had that was both relatively shallow and quiet was a 1U Sun Server, but you probably don't want something that runs Solaris.
Cool. You think I could get a register Posiion or I'll be on the fries? Tell me which to apply for.

Register if you value your body odor, If you worked fries you would smell like oil all day and it would taking a good scrubbing to get that stink off.
I really thought this out last night and have come to the common conclusion. I will rent a server so as to not need another limited home line, and I can truly run 24/7 by accessing it from work as well. Thanks for the info and help.