Books about improving productivity.

Eat that Frog


This really turned things around for me.
I'd also recommend everyone take a run through "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill.

He forces you to ask yourself this question: "What do you want, and what are you willing to give up to get it?"
Another vote here for The Four-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. Changed the way I look at "productivity".

If you look around, you can find a nice torrent of the book (the formatting sucks, but it's the real thing), instead of buying it.

Or you can spend the four measly dollars and find it pretty quickly and easily on Amazon.

Or you can do what I used to do, and steal it from the library and get rid of any and all traces of evidence. I have several full bookshelves of quality reading material.
Don't be a cheap ass. :moon:

Reading physical books is always way better than reading it in a digital format. Plus, goods book are one thing that I believe deserve my $5 or so dollars for on Amazon.