Book on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence would be a good one if you're just starting to get interested in NLP.

If you want a more in dept book try this one: The Spirit of NLP: The Process, Meaning and Criteria for Mastering NLP.

Both are good, but like I said the first one is beginner level and the second is fairly advanced.

Also if you haven't picked up Cashvertising and Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion you should. Awesome, easy reads that you can directly apply to the online world.
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i have read a few by robert dilts. all good, sleight of mouth is most to the point and least academic.
not really NLP but this is a great book for people who are marketers and also interested in NLP

[ame=] Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive (9781416570967): Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, Robert B. Cialdini: Books[/ame]

since wickedfire makes amazon links shitty now:

Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive (Hardcover)
cialdini is the man. studied him for years now. i was so happy he spoke at asw. influence is much more in depth than yes, but yes is a great start!
Funny you mentioned cialdini, I just read a post where they recommended his book Influence. It's also recommended from a few marketing gurus. Think I'll order it from amazon. Thanks

Cialdini for sure. Robert dilts, too.

To be honest, it also very much depends on how you want to deliver - are you thinking in the sense of text, or audio/video?

If the latter, you should really study a decent audio course, to properly train your 'tonality'.

I'd have to recommend Igor Ledochowski - his audio course and book.

Check out anything by Richard Bandler or John Grinder. They started NLP.

Also watching seminars + NLP therapy footage will help your understanding alot.

Check these out
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Watch it knowing from the beginning hes actually hitting on her
"Get The Life You Want" by Richard Bandler. A recent, easy to digest book by one of the 2 original founders of NLP.
It all depends on what you want to use NLP for. Some of the books recommended here are good but some of them are maybe not geared towards what you want.

A lot of people want to learn NLP because they think it will help them in copywriting. And it will if you stick to the language aspects of it.

What is your reason for wanting to learn it? Say that then I'll give you some better recommendations.