Bob greene...

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
Anyone know if it's still running anywhere? Just noticed it went down a couple of days ago on azoogle.

Rodale brought Bob Greene out of all of the CPA deals from what I can tell, and launched a CJ affiliate program with:

Biggest Loser Club
The Best Life (bob greene)
French Women Don’t Get Fat
Sugar Solution Online
Celebrity Fit Club
Men’s Health Trainer
Abs Diet Online
Food Doctor

The payout is $12 for Bob Greene, or $16.80 if you have 20+ sales. I know that ediets used to run a Bob Greene diet, but I can't find that on their affiliate program now. Anyway, ediets in CJ pays $15-50 depending on volume so if they do have Bob Greene, that'd be the better offer to run.
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Thanks - I've been having traffic go to smiley offers and all kinds of weird crap since it went down and didn't realize it until last night.
Yeah, the Bob Greene Diet offer came down off our network a couple weeks ago. What other good diet offers are working for people?
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