Blogroll Networks - Do They Exist?

Surfer Dude

New member
Feb 21, 2011
I run a few eCommerce sites and one of my biggest competitors has ramped up his backlinking in the last few months.

It looks like he's in some sort of blogroll network and is listed in blogrolls of PR2-5 sites, such as this PR5 site: 365 Days 365 Plays

Blogrolls look like a much better way to get links with PR since they're on the home page, (as well as ALL the pages), of a blog as opposed to getting into a blog network, (like BuildMyRank or SEOLinkvine), where your post is quickly off the home page and onto a page with no PR.

So do blogroll networks exist?


Do a google search for "buy blogroll links" and you'll see a few networks.

My recommendation is to go about looking for blogroll links yourself instead - safer and cheaper (if you negotiate properly), plus you'll end up finding sites that don't have hundreds of blogroll links.

Even better, start looking elsewhere. Google has actually recently started notifying webmasters through webmastertools warning them about blogroll links (unnatural looking outbound links) so who knows what will happen to them in the future.