Blogpost Links


New member
Oct 6, 2009
I have a couple of blogs with over 100 pages indexed on each. If I put a link on each post will I get 100 links or just 1? I understand that links come from the same domain, same IP address so Google will count that as one backlink but then I read a post on Eli's blog where he said it's not necessarily true...

I have no knowledge on SEO but what I do know from reading about it the last few months is that if Eli said it is the TRUTH. He is the E.F. Hutton of SEO. (if yall are too young for the E.F. Hutton reference take your little whipper snapper ass to google and search ef hutton commercial)
I have no knowledge on SEO but what I do know from reading about it the last few months is that if Eli said it is the TRUTH. He is the E.F. Hutton of SEO. (if yall are too young for the E.F. Hutton reference take your little whipper snapper ass to google and search ef hutton commercial)
When Eli talks I listen :zzwhip: but sometimes it is hard to understand...
Its not that simple. 100 different links (from different domains) is not the same as what is considered a sitewide link. In fact a sitewide link in a footer is not the same as a sidewide link in a header.

A sidewide link is reall good at raising your sites legitimacy (what some would refer to as page rank). 100 differnet domains linking with single pages to your site would help your keyword focus a lot more.